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According to the agency, telephone draws that are organized by Russian prankers ...

Part of the Russian Federation: German intelligence has warned politicians about Lexus and Vovana calls

According to the agency, telephone draws that are organized by Russian prankers are specially used to disseminate fake information. The Federal Service for the Protection of the Constitution (the internal intelligence service of Germany dealing with counterintelligence) sent the relevant instruction to all regions of Germany and called for preventive measures against Russian misinformation. About it reports Bild.

According to the intelligence services, the well-known telephone draws of Russian bloggers Vovan and Lexus-37-year-old Vladimir Kuznetsov and 36-year-old Alexei Stolyarov. They are considered to be loyal to Russian President Vladimir Putin and have repeatedly played European politicians with the help of counterfeit phone calls. "Playing false personalities is specifically used to disseminate false information and publicly exhibit Western politicians.

This is part of the Russian special services strategy," Bild has stressed counterintelligence officer of Germany. Special services are advised to more carefully check the person's person who calls, pay attention to changed e -mail addresses and stop the conversation as soon as the interlocutor's person is in doubts.