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According to a specialist in radio communications Sergiy Beskrest, Russian FPV-a...

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will be able to attack the FPV-arable goal of every soldier: the military of the Armed Forces pointed to problems with the HRS

According to a specialist in radio communications Sergiy Beskrest, Russian FPV-arose is a major problem on the front. In this case, the existing "trenches" of the EWS system can cover only an individual, tank or position. Ukraine's defense forces are critically lacking in radio -electronic fighting systems (HR) on the front. At the same time, "Okopni" tools of EW and other small systems for the fight against hostile drones in Ukraine are produced only by private entrepreneurs.

The reasons for this situation were told by the Armed Forces serviceman and radio specialist Sergey Beskrestov (Sergey Flesh) in an interview with the portal Ain. ua. According to Sergiy Beskrest, the exact number of "trenches" of the systems of EW in the Ukrainian army is unknown, but it is only a few percent of the required 100%. Small -electronic radio systems have low margin, so large enterprises are not interested in their production. Small IP systems have a cost of about $ 1,000.

In addition, they should be guaranteed, maintained and repaired. "It is much more interesting for our state-owned enterprises to make a complex for 15-20 million hryvnias, to sell it officially through the Ministry of Defense, to earn a significant amount than to bother with small developments," the military explained. The expert also noted that private manufacturers, as a rule, do not trust government orders, preferring to work with private customers and funds.

According to him, in the future, small manufacturers may have questions about the supply of modules for the EWS systems. All small Reb products work on Chinese modules that are officially forbidden to import into the country because these modules are marked as special tools. "We have war, and we need these modules, so now the state closes the eyes on it. Therefore, the supply of modules to Ukraine is still in violation of the legislation," said Sergei Beskrestnov.

According to the military, it is possible to ensure the legality of the import of these modules. For example, a military unit may write an official letter to customs that this cargo with modules from China is being carried for its tasks. However, most often at the time of production of the device, the manufacturer does not yet know who he creates it. In addition, the servicemen themselves do not always put such systems on the balance, since "trenches" Reb is essentially a consumable material.

Sergiy Beskrestnov also pointed out that the military leadership is not responsible for the development, creation and coordination of "trenches" of the systems of Reb at the front. Therefore, the use of such systems is not regulated. "And everything would be good, but we prevent these ribs from flying with their own pilots with FPV. That is, zero is the infantry with on the trenches on, and through them our pilots to FPV fly to the Russians and, flying this Reb, just fall The expert said.

According to the military, the main problem on the front is now Russian FPV-arose, which there are now no military remedies for the IP. The "trenches" of the EWS systems are closed only 30-40 meters around them. Therefore, the Armed Forces require cheap mobile solutions that are not sorry to lose. "The war goes to the fact that after a while the Russians will have so much FPV to attack every soldier. Both in the afternoon and at night.