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Michael Kopp you were puzzled by a photo that his friends found on the network. ...

The Victorian era fan has discovered its double in 115-year-old photography

Michael Kopp you were puzzled by a photo that his friends found on the network. It depicts a man who could be Michael's twin, despite the fact that the photo was taken 115 years ago. Manchester artist, UK, was shocked when his friends sent him a vintage photo taken 115 years ago. The young man on it strikingly resembles Michael himself, not only the features of the face, but also the outfit, because you are a fan of the Victorian era and even avoids modern technologies. Mirror writes about it.

A professional artist says that he now understands why he feels obliged to dress as a resident of the Victorian era and avoid technologies of the 21st century. You were "frightened" when his friend saw the image on social networks and sent him. In a black and white picture, taken in 1905, depicts a young man for 20 years sitting on a chair and looks at her young companion. It is probably a photo of the newlyweds.

Michael from Stockport, the Great Manchester, later shared a photograph of himself in the same pose to demonstrate a striking resemblance. "I was stunned when I realized that it was not me, we have the same hair, face shape, nose and style of style in clothes. When I was looking for an image on the Internet, I realized that it was not fake and that it was ashamed 115 years ago.

I have always been an obsessed era of the nineteenth century, dedicating my wardrobe and lifestyle to her, and now, perhaps, it is because of my past life, "Michael admitted. "Many people call me a" traveler in time ", but I do not know what to think. It is probably one of the most amazing things I saw, he really looks like me," the artist said.

Despite the fact that Michael is a young modern boy, he sometimes imagines himself with a gentleman from past years, dressing exclusively in Victorian clothes of the 1800s and decorating his home with antiquity. He also likes to ride a vintage bicycle, writes letters with a pen and avoids TV. He is convinced that his obsession with the time of gas lanterns and horse crews comes from the fact that in his past life he was one foot in the grave.