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According to the evil irony of fate, the sky of Russia becomes safe. Journalist ...

Russia's sky has become dangerous: how the Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation is degraded

According to the evil irony of fate, the sky of Russia becomes safe. Journalist Elena Stepova describes the degradation of Russian aviation, which is directly related to the Kremlin's war and sanctions imposed on this reason. You can always watch several phenomena . . . Well, everyone knows about it, I will not repeat. But Ukrainians are always ready to observe how Russia burns, how Russia is touched, and how Russians kill each other.

And you know, of course, we would like to see it faster, but the universe has our plans, so let's gain patience, buy popcorn, and delight the Armed Forces, so that all our dreams come true. Regarding "burning", now Russia comes from the process of spilling rivers, that is, drowning, and gradually moves into seasonal fires. This is somehow familiar, so we do not see it very much if, of course, it does not burn a drowning Russian ship.

As for the Russians killing each other, it has already accelerated, even the Ministry of Internal Affairs stopped publishing statistics, so many murders and rapes. He, to make his "heroes" more convenient to kill the Russians, they were already allowed to drive drunk at the wheel. Even for killing a fine, because the "medal for Bakhmut". Russian "heroes" disrupts the roof from impunity and permissiveness. They are getting bigger, and impunity is drunk no worse than vodka and drugs.

Weapons give them even more rights. From impunity and permissiveness, the head is rotating. Therefore, the fate of the average Russian slide. How not to live in difficulty, because the best strategist Putin has overheated in the world, so Russia has almost lost its economic acquisition of past years, then to live in fear, because the best in the world is Putin's strategist all over the world, and built the worst ghetto for his people in the world.

Although Russia's economy was transferred to military rails, the life of the average Russian has not become better. Russia is now ratings, calculating the championships of the poorest region, the Federal District, where the most homeless children and homeless people. Here is you and nanocraine. Most Russians do not hide the desire to fight, because it is the only chance to improve their financial situation. Russia is already closer to inter -denominational and inter -ethnic wars and pogroms.

The chauvinism and Nazism, which is professed by Russia, which pours from the TV into the ears of the average Russian, do their business, as well as Russian settlement from Muslim countries. To be honest, it is imperceptible, but in fact, the throat of the Russians has already closed hands that keep their deadly grip. Sanctions begin to slowly destroy Russia, but to be honest, Russia destroys more effective power, these are the Russians themselves. But we will talk about it another time . . .

Today we will talk about how this ear is shaken on clay feet and how well it is a good time to watch Russian news. Now everyone is discussing the destruction of the Russian analogue aircraft SU-57. It is an incredible slap for Russia's aircraft, and yet, it is an open crown to look at how Russia is turning into a autvide from a space-pollid state.

Russian planes are left without technically support of Western manufacturers, breaking massively during flights, and this problem concerns not only civilian aircraft but also military. All Russian aviation depends on foreign technologies, spare parts, repair programs and units. On May 30, 2024, Airbus A319 Airlines "Russia", which headed from St. Petersburg to Sochi, carried out a forced landing at the mineral water airport, as the leakage of fuel began.

On May 27, 2024, the same Airbus A319 Airlines "Russia", flying from Sochi to St. Petersburg, "For Technical reason" (refusal of one of the liner sensors) was landing at Sheremetyevo Moscow Airport. On May 22, 2024, two planes of Yamal Airlines were emergency landed in Tyumen through breakdowns.

Sukhoi Superjet 100, which was running from Ufa to New Urenag, reported to refuse automatics, and Airbus A320, flying the Ufa - Noyabrsk route, was landing in the same airport due to the depressurization of the pilot cab. On May 12, 2024, Aeroflot Passenger Aircraft Passenger Aircraft, Aeroflot Airlines, Flight from Moscow to Guangzhou, was forced to sit in Irkutsk due to the operation of oil level in one of the engines.

On May 7, 2024, Airbus A320 S7, heading from Novosibirsk to Kazan, returned to the departure airport due to problems in the left engine. On May 6, 2024, Airbus A321 Nordwind (North Wind), which flew from Moscow to Orenburg, filed a signal in the air and returned to the departure airport. The reason is the depressurization of the pilot cabin.

If in 2023 at least 74 different breakdowns of aircraft in the air were recorded, which is 38 more than 2022, then 2024 was already a record, the German research company JacDec was calculated. In January 2024, there were already ten air accidents in Russia. In the first three months of the year, six liners in flight denied engines. Every 100,000 departures in 2023 accounted for almost 10 air accidents, while a year earlier - only five.

And these are only recorded cases of ignition or other failure of engines during flights, damage to the chassis during landing, as well as a malfunction of the flaps, which lead to deviation from the course. In most cases, serious harm or catastrophe was avoided, but the trend is good. Beginning the war with Ukraine, Putin did not take into account the world reaction to the capture of our territories, sanctions and their influence.

The Russian companies had 1031 aircraft, two -thirds of the fleet were Boeing and Airbus aircraft, so the dependence on the technical units for the normal operation of the Russian airflot is very high. There is nothing in Russia, and this dependence has arisen into a real threat to the Russians: the sky of Russia is becoming dangerous.

If we take into account the painful dependence of the Russians on theft (it is worth mentioning that it is a national fun of Russians to steal everywhere where they are), then planes can be stolen at the airfield. It is worth mentioning the story of the Judicial Day aircraft. Now the Russians are scared to fly, because, as Putin said, "they are just a heavy air," so the planes will start to fall more often, it will be interesting when the Russian heads. Maybe then they will start looking up.

Well, this fact, I mean the dependence of the Russian economy and production on foreign components, will play very much against Russia and us. This is an important miscalculation of the enemy. There are already crashes in many industries, and to work something, you have to disassemble something. It is because of the lack of production lines and repair units to them that the Russians desperately looting factories in the occupied territories.

If civil planes begin, it will be a terrible slap of the Kremlin. Nanotechnology is so difficult to go into the ears of the Russians who, after hearing the TV, cry out to Putin about the promised nanoppo and nanobra. I say, the universe is a strange sense of humor. He is well aware that evil should be punished, so the dangerous sky for the Russians is one of the interesting boomerangs. You know, once few people believed in the collapse of the USSR, and it gave up, flashed and disappeared.