Among the nominees were young Ukrainians who help people with disabilities, children, implement educational projects, provide psychological support, help the elderly, develop their communities and care about animals. Video of the Day, the first lady, awarded the 16-year-old chess player Alice Mikhayey from Okhtyrka, who remained in the city during shelling. Zelenskaya shared her history and posted joint photos with Alice.
“16-year-old Alice Michaeva survived with her family in Okhtyrka the worst times-the city was one of the first to take a fight with the Russian striker. The girl's dad is a journalist, stayed in the city to cover events. Alice also cheered for her favorite business - on the eve of the war she opened a chess club at the local Palace of Culture. But within a few days the palace was destroyed by Russian bombs. Alice resumed the club's work as soon as the enemy retreated.
He teaches peers in chess, spent about one hundred classes, organizes tournaments. The girl says: "If I can help my country today, then I can do what I can, because it is impossible to feel completely happy, ignoring another's pain," the first lady wrote on her Instagram page. During her speech at the award, Zelenska thanked all young volunteers who did not stay away during the war. “For me, you are all the embodiment of the changes that we have sought for these decades of independence.
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