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Currently, it is difficult to accumulate weapons, as active fighting is forcing ...

Frost of war for three years: the expert named the amount of weapons that can accumulate Russian Federation

Currently, it is difficult to accumulate weapons, as active fighting is forcing the Russian MIC to work almost completely to compensate for losses, said military-political observer Alexander Kovalenko. Military-political observer Oleksandr Kovalenko stated that the Russian Federation could not fully restore losses and accumulate resources through active fighting. In the OBOZ. UA Project and the Information Resistance groups, the expert told what could happen if the war in Ukraine is paused.

"It is active fighting that forces the Russian military-industrial complex to work almost completely to compensate for losses-with insufficient consumption of the accumulation resource,"-said Alexander Kovalenko. According to him, speaking about the production of tanks, the word "production" is no longer correct, since most Russian tanks that go to the war zone are removed from storage, which have undergone renovation, modernization and became "more or less capable".

It is about modifications T-90, T-80, T-72, T-62, T-54/55, PT-76. As a result, the Russian Federation can issue from 100 to 150 tanks per month for war, a error of 15-20% is possible due to the severity of repair work. The Russians have a similar situation with combat armored vehicles, which include BTR, BMP, BMD and others. In particular, the need for BBM in the Russian army is three times higher than in tanks.

The Russian Federation is not able to fully supply the amount of this technique that is required for complete configuration, Kovalenko told. "Not the best situation with artillery. For example, a month the potential of recovery of towing howls 152 mm, 122mm, 105mm and divisional guns 85mm is an average of 350 trunks. A separate category is a SAU, which is restored much less than towed artillery and mortars, "he said. The expert stressed that it is not enough to accumulate potential.

Russian companies that produce ammunition are a potential of 1. 5-1. 7 million shots a year. Oleksandr Kovalenko noted that in the case of freezing of war in Ukraine for three years of the Russian Federation will be the opportunity to restore losses from war and to accumulate more resources.

In case of complete cessation of hostilities, the potential of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may change in three years: Kovalenko emphasized that the Russian Federation will be able to produce winged missiles, namely X-101/5, 55, in the amount of more than 2200, "caliber"-from one thousand to 1 , 5 thousand units. Three years later, the enemy will have at least 9,000 Kamikadze drones of Shahd-136.

"These calculations have a nuance, which is that Russia is simply not physically not so physically, the number of Soviet equipment in warehouses, which is suitable for recovery to a capable state. But we will be absolutists and we will push away from these figures," the expert explained. We will remind, on November 16, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky stated that a frozen conflict is the same war, but without the opportunity to answer the enemy and without hope for the future.