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The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was urgently transferred to "tablet-a" for artillery: what are they dangerous

"Tablet-A" can control all artillery systems and all nomenclature of ammunition, which are in service with the Russians, the developers assure. The Russian company "High-precision complexes" (a part of Rostekh) has put on the army of the Russian Federation a batch of machines from the complex "Tablet-A" intended for the management of artillery. She reported this to the TASS news agency.

According to the developers, "tablet-a" allows to automate the management of calculations of jet fire systems (RSZV), mortars and artillerymen. The complex has already been adopted, and it should improve shooting from all artillery systems and any ammunition available in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The "tablet" is allegedly able to adapt to the needs of any artillery unit, even a mixed type.

It is stated that the system works in conjunction with the intelligence means, manages the counter -banking struggle, immediately strikes the goals after the relevant team is received. For example, invaders inside such machines can use different communications and receive information transmitted by real-time reconnaissance drones. In growth, it was emphasized that automated complexes are quickly unfolding, mobile, with high autonomy.

It is noted that the order on machines from the "tablet-a" complex was handed over early. The tablet was developed at the signal at the University and demonstrated in 2020 at the Army-2020 exhibition. The 2024 model works faster and has a simplified operator's action algorithm. Earlier, we reported that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation can get new "lanceotes" that recognize goals and attack swarms.