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Analysts gathered information on the length of the enemy engineering and forming...

Over six thousand kilometers: Deepstate told about the features of the trenches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (photo)

Analysts gathered information on the length of the enemy engineering and forming structures in Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, Kharkiv regions and in the Crimea. The data reflect the state at the end of October. The armed forces of the Russian Federation have accumulated over six thousand kilometers of engineering and forming structures in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. This was reported by Deepstate analysts in Telegram.

"Having analyzed the satellite images, our team calculated K*Tsap IFS and broke them by the type," the DeepState message reads. Analysts noted that Zaporizhzhya is the most reinforced regions - 1869 kilometers, Donetsk - 1865 kilometers. These statistics include updating positions from Gorlovka to Olenivka, while the rest of the defense structures that have not been actively used by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have not been taken into account.

In addition, in the Luhansk region, the enemy's IFS occupies 1140 kilometers. Deepstate believes that the invaders realized that the Armed Forces Summer Counter -offensive could take place in this territory, so it was urgently dug at altitudes with the Krasna River. "Remarkably understood, but did not believe in Zaporizhzhya.

Perhaps it is due to the origins, because the same boys 37 of the URMP, which on June 5, took the first prisoners from the morning, heard from them that the time and day of the attack were They are painted, "analysts said. In the Kherson region, the enemy brought engineering and forming structures 886 kilometers, in particular along the Dnieper-from Nova Kakhovka to Heroic.

The enemy also strengthened approaches to the Crimean isthmus, while in the Crimea IFS occupies only 265 kilometers, most of them near the isthmus. Deepstate said that some enemy trenches have been filled with water, so without drainage their functioning is impossible, while certain fortifications of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation try to completely hide underground. In particular, in the fall, some of them already had grass.

"The data is not end and reflect the state at the end of October. Not all squares of the occupied territories have been analyzed," analysts added. We will remind, on November 22 it became known that the Ukrainian underground explored the location of the military of the Russian Federation in a temporarily occupied Gorlovka of Donetsk region. The guerrillas noted that the personnel are located in the preventive.