"It is difficult to calculate the exact amount of involved equipment in Konstantinopil, because it varies from 20 to 37," the statement said. Analysts have specified that the bulk of this technique was destroyed. "The infantry of the enemy was dispersed in the southern outskirts of Konstantinpoly, as well as in the forest area near the point 127. 2. One BBM managed to drive the village and went to the road to the rich man, planted the infantry and was struck during the rollback," DEEPSTATE said.
According to analysts, Konstantinopil has been partially cleared, but stabilization actions are currently ongoing. It is likely that the enemy will not be allowed to become entrenched there. In the village of Ulakla, the Donetsk region was smaller - forces from 8 to 10 units of equipment, analysts say. "Currently, the Ka*Apichotta was dispersed in the eastern part of the village and is fixed. This maneuver significantly impedes the lives of the defense units that are east," Deepstate stressed.
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