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The International Criminal Court notes that the heads of the Black Sea Fleet and...

For crimes against humanity: the court in Hague issued warrants for the arrest of two commander of the Russian troops (photo)

The International Criminal Court notes that the heads of the Black Sea Fleet and Far Aviation of Russia bear individual criminal liability for all war crimes. The International Criminal Court (ICS) in the Hague on Tuesday, March 5, issued warrants for the arrest of the RF long -range commander Sergei Kobylyash and the Commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation Viktor Sokolov. This was reported on the official site of the ISS.

The warrants for the arrest of these two Russian citizens were issued by the Chamber of Preliminary Proceedings of the II ISS due to probable military crimes committed by these persons at least from October 10, 2022 and until March 9, 2023.

There are reasonable reasons to consider, as noted in the ICS release, that the Russian military responsible for missile strikes in Ukraine, which were inflicted by Russian military units under Ukrainian electricity infrastructure - numerous power plants, substations, etc. and civilians. "Two arrest warrants were issued on the basis of the requests filed," - said in the message.

In addition, the House of Preliminary Production of the II ISS concluded that there are also reasonable reasons to believe that the predictable strikes were directed against civilian objects. "In addition, the expected side damage to the civilian population was excessive compared to the expected military advantage.

Thus, there are reasonable reasons to believe that suspects are also responsible for a crime against humanity that is in" other inhuman actions […] that deliberately inflict major suffering or serious damage to body or mental or physical health "in accordance with Article 7 (1) (K) of the Roman Statute," the ISS noted. 58-year-old Lieutenant General, a native of Odessa, at one time commander of aircraft of long-range air-space forces of the Russian Federation, military criminal.

Participant in the first and second Chechen wars, the Russian-Georgian war, the war in Syria and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. During the full -scale aggression of Russia to Ukraine, under his leadership, carpet bombing was carried out by heavy bombers of Mariupol, which led to significant destruction of civilian infrastructure and victims among civilians.

In addition, according to the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, as a commander of far aircraft of Russia, it was directly related to the intervention of Russian forces in Syria, during which rocket-bombing strikes were caused by the country, which led to the mass death of the local civilian population. It was qualified by the international community as a war crime.

In August 2008, during Moscow's aggression against Georgia as a commander of the 368th assault aviation regiment, he managed the actions of his subordinates and personally as a pilot of the Sturmovik bombarded Georgian cities. During the 1st and 2nd Chechen wars, he actively participated in the non-decoration of Chechnya territory, including the use of prohibited cassette and vacuum bombs. 61-year-old Admiral, Commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation since August 10, 2022.

He was directly involved in the war of Russia against Ukraine. On August 10, 2022 he was appointed temporary in. at. The Commander of the Black Sea Fleet instead of Admiral Igor Osipov after explosions and losses at the Air Base in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

However, on September 25, 2023, the media, citing the SCA of the Armed Forces, reported that on September 22, Sokolov was killed as a result of a rocket strike on the building of the Black Sea Fleet Staff using Storm Shadow/SCal-P missiles. However, according to the US special services, there was no evidence or denial of data on possible death as of September 29.

At the same time, the International Criminal Court notes that again there are reasonable grounds to believe that these persons bear individual criminal liability for the above crimes. "For committing acts jointly and through other persons, the return of the order to commit crimes and for the inability to exercise proper control over the forces under their command," - emphasizes in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

We will remind, on March 17, 2023 the International Criminal Court in the Hague issued a warrant for the arrest of Putin "in the context of the situation in Ukraine". The Russian dictator is accused of kidnapping and exporting 16,000 Ukrainian children. In addition to the Russian dictator, the Court in the Hague issued a warrant for the arrest of the President of Russia for the rights of the child Maria Lviv-Belova.