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Dear Mr. Fabi! Ladies and Gentlemen! I thank you for the opportunity to present ...

We need to create a special tribunal on the crime of aggression against Ukraine - the appeal of President Vladimir Zelensky to the participants of public debate "War and Law" in Paris

Dear Mr. Fabi! Ladies and Gentlemen! I thank you for the opportunity to present our, a Ukrainian view on how the right can guarantee peace. I'll start with one example. From this example, which demonstrates the need for a comprehensive answer to aggression. September 30 this year. Zaporizhzhya region of Ukraine. Morning, seven o'clock for ten minutes. The Russian army produces 16 missiles in the region and in the city of Zaporozhye. Of these, four rockets knock down our air defense forces.

Nine engaged in one of the factories, the company is destroyed. And three more Russian missiles hit the border on the road - in the place where dozens of people were located. Ordinary people on ordinary machines. That morning, 122 people were injured. 30 people were killed, including two children. Girl, she was ten years old. And the guy, he was 14 years old. And this is only one Russian rocket strike. Conscious blow to civilians. Conscious crime.

It is one of the thousands of blows that have occurred since 2014, when Russia has begun aggression against Ukraine, and since February 24 this year, when Russia has turned this aggression into a full -scale war. You all know what is happening in Ukraine. You all heard about Bucha and Mariupol, about burnt cities and tortured people. And I think many of you have read or heard words that clearly explain why all this is happening. I quote these words now.

“To start the invading war is not only an international crime; It is the highest international crime that is different from other military crimes only by the fact that it contains all the accumulated evil. " The end of the quote. These are wise words. Words of people who saw a full -scale war with their own eyes. They saw and know that all war crimes begin with one primordial crime - with a crime of aggression.

What is rockets for ordinary people in ordinary cars at a checkpoint somewhere in the middle of the Zaporizhzhya region of Ukraine? It is a crime of specific Russian soldiers who have launched rockets. It is a crime of a particular commander who ordered the missile blow. And it is a crime of those who have started armed aggression against Ukraine, within which this and thousands of other similar blows were possible.

And within which the execution of civilians, abuse and execution of prisoners, rape of women and children, air strikes in ordinary residential buildings, use of prohibited mines and ammunition became possible. All the crimes of Russian invaders on Ukrainian land are really investigating and prosecuted. All guilty! But . . . those whose decisions were also held accountable should be held accountable. Those who committed the original crime. A crime in which all the Russian invaders showed is concentrated.

And we have such an institutional basis with you so far to bring Russian political and military leadership to justice for the crime of aggression. Ladies and Gentlemen! Ukraine proposes a real way to hold the perpetrators of the initial crime that has been committed by all other crimes committed since the beginning of Russian aggression.

For many years, the world has sought how to prevent a repetition of a full -scale war in Europe and how to ensure the inevitability of punishment for war crimes and war criminals, at least who they were, at least where they were and at least where they commit crimes against the foundations of human life.

Thanks to these searches and efforts of many honest people, we now have in particular the International Criminal Court - one of the most important global legal institutions that ensures justice and protects humanity. Ukraine fully supports this court. We have adopted the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court on all events in the territory of Ukraine. We have implemented changes to the legislation of Ukraine to simplify and make our cooperation with this court more effective.

We are in constant and quite practical communication with representatives of the International Criminal Court to achieve a common goal - to bring Russian invaders to justice for crimes committed in the territory of Ukraine. I am grateful to all states and specialists who contribute to this work with their financial, technical, analytical, legal and expert support. I thank in particular France, whose contribution is already felt.

And I believe that the International Criminal Court will be able to create a historical precedent of a large -scale and absolutely legitimate response to the crimes committed by Russian invaders - the same as the Russian war against Ukraine became a large -scale. But, in order for the original crime of armed aggression to receive a fair response, we must supplement the activities of the International Criminal Court. We need to create a special tribunal for aggression against Ukraine.

To be able to punish those who, unfortunately, cannot be obtained by the International Criminal Court and all other existing judicial institutions in the world. You all know how Russia's leadership is liable for state sovereignty from fair responsibility for the committed. We need to overcome it. The draft relevant international treaty for the creation of a special about a journalist was recently presented in Kyiv by diplomats from our partners.

However, we offer this treaty not only to our partners, but also in the world who value international law. I'll give you another quote. “The accusation of an indictment that the defendants planned and fought aggressive wars are accusations of extraordinary severity. The war is inherently evil. The consequences are not only the fighting states, but also impress the whole world. " The end of the quote.

When we conclude a contract and create a tribunal on Russian aggression, the very fact of preparing indictments and issuing warrants for arrest of those who planned and ordered this aggression will be the most powerful signal to all other potential aggressors in the world that the war is inevitably punished - They are held accountable that the right always applies and always prevails the law, and humanity is guaranteed protected. That is why we say that the right can guarantee peace and justice.

Maybe! To all. But if we create the necessary institution. And I invite France, in particular your Constitutional Council, to actively involve in negotiations on the foundation of a special joint. And one more. Without which postwar justice is simply impossible. It is compensation for all losses and destruction. Already, in October, we offer everyone who values ​​international law to support the UN General Assembly of a fundamental resolution.

The resolution confirming Russia's international legal obligation for the payment of reparations for this war and recognizes the need for a compensation mechanism through which such obligation can be implemented. The aggressor must pay full for the cruelty and destruction. And although it is not easy in Russia, but quite real. The corresponding order of legal steps is clear. We can present it to all interested subjects. And I will add another quote now.

"Crimes against international law are committed by specific people, not abstract persons, and only punishment of specific individuals who have committed these crimes can ensure compliance with the provisions of international law. " The end of the quote. You probably read or heard these and other words I give now. They are from the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal. The tribunal, which was founded by an international treaty.

The tribunal, who punished the perpetrators of the previous full -scale war in Europe and testified that justice in the world exists. All of us who studied law saw and analyzed this fundamental document - Nuremberg's sentence. And I am sure that there will be a time when students who are also studying the right will be able to compare the text of the Nuremberg sentence with the text of the sentence that will be adopted by a special tribunal on the crime of Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

But not only. They will also study the experience of compensating by Russia with all the losses caused by this war. So, colleagues! Friends! I invite you to participate in the creation of relevant legal institutions. Anyone who will now join justice will also join peace for all of us in Europe and the world - long -term. No chance guilty! No chance of aggression! Let the right act. Thank you for your attention! Thank you, France, for support. Glory to Ukraine! Certificate.

The La Nuit Duit Nueit, which was initiated by the chairman of the Constitutional Council of France, Laurent Fabius, is held annually on October 4, on the anniversary of the French Constitution. It is intended to help citizens understand their rights. This year, the fourth "Night of Law" is held, within which more than one hundred different events are taking place throughout France, devoted to discussions on the theme "War and Law".