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According to the publication, neither the President of Ukraine nor his allies sh...

The event should persuade Zelensky to abandon the occupied Russian territories - The Economist

According to the publication, neither the President of Ukraine nor his allies should recognize Russian claims to the occupied territories, but should leave their return as a long -term purpose. Now there is not enough forces and resources in Kiev. In order for Ukraine and its Western allies to victory, they first need to realize the current realities and admit that they lose. The Econimist writes about it.

Journalists believe that the event should persuade Vladimir Zelensky to give up the idea of ​​returning the territory captured by Russia, since Ukraine has neither sufficient strength nor resources. According to the publication, Ukraine needs not just a "Victory Plan", which is offered by Zelensky, but a much more ambitious step - an urgent change of strategy. Ukraine's defense lines can collapse before Russian military resources are exhausted.

At the same time, the country's power system is already significantly damaged, Western countries are beginning to feel fatigue, and the belief in the possibility of full victory is reduced among Ukrainians. The publication emphasizes that Ukrainians need to change the course immediately. Inside the country, fatigue is accumulated from the war, and the gap between the desire for complete victory and the real opportunities to achieve it increases. This fatigue is also felt abroad.

"Zelensky and his allies need to realistically assess the situation. Attempts to return all territories, including Crimea, can repel Western partners and share Ukrainian society. Instead, the preservation of Ukraine as an independent and democratic state oriented west oriented instead should be a priority," the newspaper writes. Regardless of the outcome of the US elections, the main task is to maintain the support of the event and unite Ukrainian society.

This requires a clear understanding of what a victory is. Western allies of Ukraine should help Zelensky convince the people that supporting the event remains a key factor in success in the war. Despite his desire to expel Russia from the territory of all Ukraine, including Crimea, resources and people for this in Ukraine. Neither Zelensky nor the event should recognize Russian claims to the occupied territories, but should leave their return as a long -term goal.

As a new, more realistic goal, Ukraine, according to the publication, should focus on keeping the front line and the desire to become a prosperous, pro -Western democracy that will be considered a victory. In response to the adoption of this strict reality, Western leaders must support its purpose by giving Ukraine the necessary military power and security guarantees.

If Ukraine manages to deprive Russia of the prospect of advancement on the front, it will show the futility of new major offensives. Regardless of whether the official peace agreement is signed is the only way to complete the fighting and ensure long -term security on which Ukraine will be able to build its future.

In addition, the United States should give Ukraine clear prospects for NATO accession, but without the inclusion of territories occupied by Russia and with a promise not to place foreign troops in peacetime in the country. The publication warns that "disadvantaged Ukraine" can become a dangerous neighbor for the event. "Corruption and nationalism are growing in the country. war against their compatriots, "the publication adds.

Journalists summarize - for Zelensky and his Western allies, the development of a new victory plan will require courage and determination. But this is the only way to prevent the defeat of Ukraine and maintain stability in the region.