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Near Toretsk, a

"Here is a solid hell": a military about the situation in the Toretsky direction (video)

Near Toretsk, a "lull" has long been, but now the invaders are trying to break through the defense. The Armed Forces of the Armed Forces keep this direction. The situation in the Toretsky direction is extremely difficult and intense. Only because of the enormous resilience and courage of Ukrainian soldiers, the Russians are unable to capture Toretsk and settlements nearby, because the assaults do not stop for an hour with huge predominant forces.

The commander of the 1st Airborne Battalion of the 95th Separate Polissya Brigade Stanislav Krasnov told about it on the air of Radio Liberty. According to him, now the fighting continues in the country arrays near Toretsk, right near the homes of the locals. "The shops work at zero, directly where the assault actions go, and because of this, a huge number of casualties," the military said, adding that the Russians use dozens of cabin, and because of this a lot of locals die.

He stressed that now there is a "solid hell. " For a long time, there was a lull near Toretsk, but the Russians have accumulated a huge amount of forces and made in this direction an unexpected jerk, which they do not stop and try to succeed here, - said Stanislav Krasnov, adding that the Armed Forces managed to stop the offensive and the occupiers are now carrying huge losses.