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The serviceman Stanislav Bunyatov supported the installation of Christmas trees ...

"The topic was pressed": the Armed Forces Commander explained why Christmas trees in "on time" cities (photo)

The serviceman Stanislav Bunyatov supported the installation of Christmas trees in Ukraine. He urged Ukrainians to be more human. The commander of the department 24 of the ADAR "Aydar" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Stanislav "Osman" Bunyatov shared how to allocate funds for the installation of Christmas trees in cities. This was known from his publication on social networks of December 8. The military wrote that he wanted to "dilute the topic with Christmas trees a little.

" "Yes, this is not a matter of considerable, but remember that we have young children who, despite war and missiles, front and losses, in 4 years we need to see a Christmas tree, believe in Santa, receive gifts, even if there are no parents," - - - " Bunyatov noted. He recalled that together with his brothers helps the orphan who went to Turkey. "You will say," Not on time? "But put a bolt on the one who came up with this phrase, now our lives are" not on time.

" The defender emphasized that no funds are allocated to the Christmas tree "and called for a" betrayal "without a reason. We will remind, in Kiev this year installed a Christmas tree on Sofia Square for the money of patrons. However, it should be removed a little earlier - January 10. Large -scale events, fairs and entertainment will not be carried out. In Kharkiv for the second year in a row, the main Christmas tree will stand in the subway.