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The North Atlantic Alliance will be able to protect the Baltic countries if Russ...

"Untouched aircraft carrier": why the introduction of Sweden to NATO will weaken the Russian Federation as much as possible - the media (map)

The North Atlantic Alliance will be able to protect the Baltic countries if Russia tries to attack. In addition, under the full control of the event may be the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. Sweden joins NATO and enhances 1 thousand armored vehicles, hundreds of tanks and a hundred planes. In addition, from now on the Baltic Sea will be completely surrounded by NATO member states and Russia will be difficult to threaten our Baltic Fleet by neighbors.

How Western experts evaluate the current positions of the North Atlantic Alliance, the Russian Media "Agency. Novosti" wrote. Journalists examined an analytics published in three leading Western media - Financial Times, Bloomberg, Politico. Each of the editions write about the accession of Sweden from different points of view. Western experts have listed why Sweden's accession weakens the Russian Federation in the Baltic Sea. First, the sea becomes NATO's "internal lake".

From now on, the Russian trade and military fleet will move under the close supervision of observers who will be able to track every movement of Russian ships. Secondly, it becomes easier to defend the Baltic countries if the Kremlin decides to attack them. Third, Gotland's Swedish Island will now be a support for the construction of NATO bases. Thanks to this, the Western military will control the army of the Russian Federation from the sea and from the air.

The Bloomberg infographic you can see the military bases that the Alliance has in the region - they are now being added to a new member. Fourth, the event becomes easier to protect the Sulfur Corridor, which Moscow can capture if it decides that it is the optimal moment for this. In addition, the Kremlin should become clear that it will instantly lose the Kaliningrad region instantly.

Fifth, NATO troops were able to use the Swedish railway-in this way, you can faster to transfer troops, say, Finland, if needed. Politico led data on the military equipment of Sweden, which is released into the NATO army: also note that Sweden will put 9 billion USD in the NATO defense budget. In addition, it will add its 14,000 trained military. It should be noted that Sweden has applied for joining NATO with Finland in the first months of the Russian invasion.

Finland has become a member of the Alliance for a year. Instead, Sweden was talking to Turkey, which had some remarks on the policy of this Scandinavian country. On January 24, 2024, the Turkish government agreed to approve the application for admission. We would like to remind you that on March 6, 2024 it became known when Sweden became a full member of NATO. To consolidate the entrance, Prime Minister Ulf Kristerson and Foreign Minister Tobias Bilstrom flew to the United States.