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The maximum number of mobilization opportunities is 200-250 thousand Russians ev...

"7 million Army of Russia is a myth": an expert told about the mobilization resource of the occupiers (video)

The maximum number of mobilization opportunities is 200-250 thousand Russians every half a year, according to military expert Yevgeny Dyky. And it is necessary to take into account the dissatisfaction of the "wives of the mobik". Whatever Russian propagandists assured, but at one time put "under the rifle" 7 million Russians and it is absolutely impossible to send them to the front, and the opportunities of a recruit at the front.

In an interview with focus, military expert Yevgeny Dyky, who served in the Aidar Brigade, was now being the head of the National Antarctic Scientific Center. "Etc. The Russians have problems with rotation - indisputable fact. From the beginning they have declared quite acceptable conditions (staying at the front for 6 months and 1 year of general service), - said Yevgeny Wild.

- But all these conditions have long been violated and the ordinary Russian fighter can To be on the front line for more than a year and after which it is not demobilized, and the contractors generally extend the service life in general. " Now the number of people wishing to go to the army of the Russian Federation has decreased significantly and is from 10 to 15 thousand a month, says the expert, and this is not enough for rotation - only for at least some replacement of the killed and wounded.

In his opinion, such a shortage can only be compensated for by forced mobilization, which, though, has never been popular in Russia, but people treated it fatalistic. Since the popularity of the contract falls, the Kremlin can only count on the mobilization system itself in the Russian Federation, which also has some restrictions on the number of people, whom it is simultaneously able to pass.

And last year, according to the expert, they tried to mobilize 400-450 thousand at the same time and the system fell into a collapse. "It was a grand chaos and a mess and people were thrown out in the forests even without sleeping people from people from a military enlistment office to the front in general in civilian clothes, that is, the system broke.

So now it is quite obvious now that they are capable of gaining 200-250 thousand a day of" mobikiv "now for a period of 4-6 months (subject to training),-says Wild. -That is, twice a year they can really mobilize so many people, and although it is a really serious number of fighters, but these are not those propaganda 7 million that are capable in one day Take weapons and get an attack on Ukraine.

" It is not necessary to expect mobilization that mobilization will not yet be worth it, according to Mr. Yevgeny. Although he says that on November 27, the "wives of the mobilized" were applied for rallies in 20 regions of the Russian Federation (including Moscow), but rallies were forbidden by the authorities (allegedly due to the epidemiological situation with the Covid-19 in the Russian Federation). It is at least some, but still the first signal for dissatisfaction with the Russians.

But dissatisfaction is not a war against Ukraine, but only by the fact that men are forced to serve further, bits at the front and force the force or deception to continue contracts. "When the so -called their own, the contractors went to fight, because it was their work and society silent. Then they went to fight homeless people, Allkashi and" Zeks ", and their society is not sorry," says Eugene Wild.

"But when the turn came to" ordinary Russian, "it has already influenced the Russian society and we see" first flowers "in the form of attempts to arrange rally" wives of mobikans ". In his opinion, we, like the Russians, try to predict mutual behavior based on false patterns. The Russians are very different, says Mr. Eugene, so mobilization will in no way affect Putin's rating or election.

- That is why our tracing paper of a democratic country in which to take into account public sentiment in Russia simply does not work. "Wild believes that the authorities already know in which of the federal districts what percentage of votes will be given to Putin. And Ukrainians were always mistaken considering what is more We will destroy the invaders, the more dissatisfaction in Russian society will increase.

It turned out that in the death of their own people, and neither the authorities nor the Russians have so much their favorite "red lines", after which in normal countries the society begins to ask power. Putin Russia has long been overwhelmed by the Soviet Union, which reminds Eugene Wild, total losses in Afghanistan in the amount of 15,000 fighters in 10 years, became one of the factors of collapse of the Communist Empire.

to go to Hasavurtov negotiations and leave the war because opposition media were protesting all over the country. There are no two years and reactions of society at all, - the expert notes. - It turned out that "soldiers' mothers" joyfully look in the queue for a conditional "white las". Earlier, Focus wrote that the Armed Forces told when women would be called for service. Medical women have always been military.