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According to expert Oleksandr Musienko, the enemy not only seeks to impress the ...

Rocket attacks in winter: Will the enemy change the tactics of shelling - expert (video, infographic)

According to expert Oleksandr Musienko, the enemy not only seeks to impress the goals that interest him, but also create serious psychological pressure on the civilian population. According to the missile strategy, Russian invaders constantly carry out exploration and reconnaissance of objects in the territory of Ukraine that interest them. Oleksandr Musienko, Head of the Center for Military Legal Research, told about the purpose of the occupiers when carrying out rocket terror.

According to the expert, the aggressor country has everything necessary for such actions-both planes and other intelligence agents. And the area of ​​their interests is the objects of civil and critical infrastructure, military facilities, air defense. As for rocket launchers, according to Musienko, Russians are now using point tactics. They are intended to damage certain objects, using winged and ballistic missiles that are launched by tactical aviation.

"Usually objects that are in the frontal territories or in the border areas, that is, within the reach of tactical aviation. Or use the ballistic missiles" Iskander-K "," Iskander-M "," Onyx "for point damage. in Odessa, " - said the expert. According to the head of the center, the purpose of these point blows is to hit the goals clearly for themselves.

In addition, the enemy uses drones in almost all regions of Ukraine, which not only tries to get the goals that interest them, but also deplete our air defense. "As for strategic aviation, I think, there is now the accumulation of missiles, and I believe that the aggressors are running the psychological war, as if warning: now we will accumulate rockets, and then we will constantly beat massive missile strokes," - says Musienko.

And he adds: it is really quite high risks, and they have not disappeared. Just the enemy expects to collect 2-3 massive missile shelling and form a psychological impression that will be constantly being constantly.

"That is, I think Russian invaders are counting on extremely large -scale combined attacks, which will be involved in up to 100 missiles once, and this will become a serious psychological pressure on the civilian population, which will expect such threats all winter," the expert summarizes. However, Musienko claims that it is unlikely that missile shelling will be carried out in such volumes.

According to the representative of the GUR Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Andriy Yusov, Russian invaders have accumulated more than 800 high -precision missiles. He stressed that the occupiers have accumulated rocket reserves because in recent months, combined blows have been used, where the accent was on unmanned aerial vehicles. As a result, Russian attacks can be renewed from the cold.

We will remind, Focus wrote that on November 6, a representative of GUR MOU, Major General Vadim Skibitsky stated that after the cold, the Russian military can start massive missile strikes on Ukrainian energy. Analysts of the Institute of War Study (ISW) in the report for November 6 reported that Russia was able to increase the reserves of high -precision missiles faster than expected.