This was stated by military expert Anton Mikhnenko in a comment to Focus. "The more successful the Ukrainian offensive operations will be, the more territories we will release, the more it will undermine the stability of the Russian regime," says military expert Anton Mikhnenko. "Russia has already spread so well in Russia that it is so twisted that it is already pushed by military Political leadership to radical action. Already at the household level they offer to use tactical nuclear weapons.
And when society begins to press on power, and the authorities understand that they cannot take advantage of these opportunities, because there is some political external pressure, tension increases - an explosion may occur " .
Mikhnenko recalls the story: "After the end of the First World War, when crowds of the military of the Russian Empire began to return from the war in the territory of the Russian Empire in Ukraine and Russia, the military was also disturbed - the war was over, and the results were not. It was this moment that the Bolsheviks were used when they began impose ideas to the military who have returned from the front.
" No wonder recent experts have been increasingly saying how Russia will live after Putin, and the Kremlin is looking for a nomination of a successor, because in the event of defeat in Ukraine, Russian elites want to guarantee themselves safety.
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