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The International Working Group on Sanctions against Russia, headed by the head ...

Action Plan 3.0: What new sanctions Ukraine offers against Russia and what is the experience of the Cold War here

The International Working Group on Sanctions against Russia, headed by the head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak and the head of the Institute for International Studies Friman-Pogli (FSI), Ambassador Michael McFol, presented a new plan of action to further strengthen the sanction pressure on the Russian Federation-Action Plan 3. 0. What is said in the document and whether the expected effect has already been introduced against Moscow has found out the focus.

The document presented by the Yermak Macfola group on May 16 contains, as noted on Bankova, "specific steps that can significantly undermine the economic and military potential of the Russian Federation to quickly stop its aggression in Ukraine. " "The proposed sanctions measures should become a powerful response of the international community to Russian aggression. The success of the sanctions depends on their collective compliance and constant strengthening.

The measures provided for in the Action 3. 0 plan are ambitious but achievable, they are intended to dramatically limit Russia to fund their hostilities in Ukraine ", - quotes the official representation of President Andrew Ermak.

Among the proposed measures are confiscation of frozen assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, strengthening control over compliance with the marginal price for oil (reducing it by $ 10 per barrel), combating the shadow fleet of tankers, full embargo on uran nitrogen fertilizers and individual metals. Also in the 50-page document, published on the President's website, it is proposed to restore the sanction body of Cock, which operated during the Cold War.

Bankova estimate that the Action Plan 3. 0 package will reduce Russia's export income by $ 70-80 billion annually, and "will provide a significant shortage of foreign trade and the Russian budget, weaken its currency and overall economic stability. " The experts with whom the focus spoke with the opinion that anti -Russian sanction policy should not be terminated in any circumstances.

However, their comments are somewhat different in terms of the efficiency of de facto restrictive measures against the Russian Federation. "The world economy is generally so wide and voluminous that it allows Russia to find ways to compensate for sanctions oppressions and losses. And for the Russian Federation, the main thing is the sale of fuel and energy and obtaining trace elements for complex armed tools, such as rebellies, missiles, etc.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to track, since microelectronics spreads aircraft, not by train or, say, by ships that could be fixed, - in conversation with the focus of excellent economy, Vladimir Lanovy. The former head of the Ministry of Economy has stated that "the Russians are already producing such weapons that they have not dreamed before. " It is necessary to interrupt them with quality without stopping at the level that was in 2022, "-emphasizes Vladimir Lanov.

We need a kind of group not only with economic but also with political experiences, because they provide specific proposals, and we still have to speak frankly, there is virtually no collection of systemic professional ideas in Ukraine. This is very bad because we need to accumulate the ideas we need to win. And in this context, creating something like Komok, can also play a positive role in starting a broad interstate discourse.

, the excellent economy said: "If we talk about our allies, we must be aware that the state and business are not the same. That is, when one or another state restricts business, business searches for (and usually finds) ways that allow these obstacles to bypass. Business, unfortunately, is not nationally oriented, anti -terrorist, etc. If there is one who bought one or another of products in them ten times more expensive, then they will even sell it, because they have their own benefit.

" Lanovoy stated: "Americans, for example, control the supply of their companies around the world. They have really created such a system, but business still finds legislative loopholes, linking the hands of the controlling authorities. That is why we know different world companies that continue to work in Russia, supporting its economy. And there is another situation. For example, take Ilon Mask. It helps Ukraine, and then - Russia.

Here is a prime example of what to fully rely on business, on private structures in the conditions of war in no case can "" "Anti -Russian sanctions work and they are quite effective. For example, if you look at some results of sanctions, we will see that the same "Gazprom" last year, for the first time, since the 90's became unprofitable, and for the first quarter of this year, its losses began to accept losses for all last year, And in this case it is about billions of dollars.

In addition, Russia has lost the European energy market that began to capture the Soviet Union and controlled as a result for more than 50 years, "-said the executive director of the Center for Applied Political Studies" Penta "Alexander Leonov in conversation with focus.

It breathes "at the expense of military orders, the expert added:" In recent months, the growth of the Russian economy, even though it moves to military rails, has been significantly slowed down, and efforts to sell all energy volumes to the East, have not been successful. Moreover, both oil and gas were sold to the same China and India with a large discount.

And now there are problems with calculations, because everything is carried out in national currencies, while neither ruble nor yuan are convertible currencies. Great disadvantage. And why is Rosaat without sanctions, despite all the efforts of official Kiev? And because Russia is currently enriching more than 50% of Uranus and the West could not give up this instantly. Moreover, Russia and China are making efforts to narrow the efforts of the West to maneuver.

For example, a rebellion in Niger, from where France received most of his uranium-from this opera. "The expert, emphasizing that in the Russian Federation there is almost no one, stated one" very interesting moment ":" Approximately 45-46% of world Uranus Today Kazakhstan is producing.

And Macron, who recently visited Kazakhstan, and the United States, I think they are also involved, trying to throw Russia from the link of enrichment due to the fact that Western companies will buy uranium in Kazakhstan, enriching it. It is such a large geopolitical game that is really extremely important.

" "As of today, the event is looking for opportunities to abandon the Russian -enriched uranium and the first signs that they are preparing for it - a fresh decision of the Congress to ban the purchase of enriched uranium from the Russian Federation. Therefore, on the one hand, you can be offended by the West, which really works for a long time. But on the other hand, they act so carefully, in particular, so as not to collapse Ukraine's support by their population.

After all, a large -scale economic crisis can lead to the fact that Russian propaganda and political opponents of the current authorities in certain Western countries will be actively playing, this incomprehensible war in Ukraine has led to all of us very badly, "Alexander emphasizes. Leonov. . But I really like that the issue of creating special institutions, including sanctions against Russia, is now being raised.

This is extremely important because institutions will work against Russia and themselves. Let's remember the Jackson Vonica amendment, which was valid for 15 years after the union collapsed. And these institutions will also work for some time, even when Russia's war against Ukraine is over. Well, while we still have to bend our anti -Russian sanction line, promoting it in the international arena, " - sums up Alexander Leonov.