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Last year, the Russians released more than 1000 rockets across Ukraine and they ...

Accumulated rockets: As in the Russian Federation the tactics of massive shelling have changed (video)

Last year, the Russians released more than 1000 rockets across Ukraine and they needed time to restore this number. Now they can start them again, says the journalist of the Focus Military Department Alexander Matvienko. Several cities of Ukraine have come under mass shelling. The invaders are constantly trying to find a new tactic of blows. The journalist of the military department of Focus Alexander Matvienko told this on the YouTube channel Focus.

He also refers to information from the spokesman of the Air Force Yuri Ignat, who reported that the occupiers have launched X-22 missiles in Ukraine. Since the beginning of a large -scale invasion, the enemy has launched more than 300 such rockets and none of them has been able to intercept. "The X-22 missile goes to the target for the ballistic trajectory and flies at a speed of more than 4 thousand km/g," Alexander Matvienko emphasizes.

"This is an extremely difficult goal for intercepting, so only Patriot or SMPT can handle it, which we have However, there was no information about the beating. " The X-22 rocket was developed in the USSR to defeat aircraft carriers, so there is a huge explosive part, which is about 900-950 kg, the journalist said. According to him, such rockets have extremely low accuracy and in the USSR times it was known that about half of these missiles hit a radius of 500-600 meters.

This means that the rocket flies not to the aircraft carrier, but simply in its direction. The purpose of the target is low, says Alexander Matvienko. Such a massive rocket firing will repeat the last year, when on the eve of the new year the invaders were as massively fired at Ukraine, and therefore Russia did not refuse to constantly terrorize the whole territory of Ukraine, the journalist notes.

According to him, the activity of this shelling demonstrates that they just had such missiles, because official data showed that the Russians have a great deal of missiles C-300 and C-400, but a limited number of missiles X-101, X-555, X. -59 and others. "Last year, the Russians released more than 1000 rockets in Ukraine and they needed time to restore this number and accumulate resources for new volley," says Alexander Matvienko.

"Most likely, now the situation has come to the fact that the occupiers can start dozens again at once again rockets together with Shahmed, and all this complicates the work of Ukrainian air defense. " Western partners help Ukraine to strengthen the air defense, and here it is worth mentioning the Frankensam project, which uses Soviet anti -aircraft complexes that are modernized under modern Western missiles, notes the journalist.

It is officially known about the conversion of the BUK, which has received Seasparrow missiles, as well as transmitted IRIS-T systems and German Armed Forces, which are very effective against drones. According to Oleksandr Matvienko, invaders can return to the previous tactics when they attacked Ukraine almost daily dozens of rockets. The journalist says that Western sanctions were unable to completely prevent the production of missiles in the Russian Federation.

It should be remembered that the C-300 and 400 missiles in the occupiers of thousands, and they attacked Kharkiv on December 29. Earlier, the invaders were mainly used by drones-Kamikadze Shahed, notes Alexander. But now, he said, it is possible that the Russians will strike both rockets and shahas at the same time to do as much harm to Ukraine. New Year's Eve is not excluded.