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Military analyst Ivan Kirichevsky stated that the more ships Ukraine will be abl...

Ukraine has taken the course of destruction: new "surprises" are waiting for the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, - the expert

Military analyst Ivan Kirichevsky stated that the more ships Ukraine will be able to strike, the faster the maritime export will be restored. It is obvious that Ukraine has taken a course on the destruction of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. Ivan Kirichevsky said this in an interview with Channel 24. According to him, the blow on the submarine "Rostov-on-Don" was part of a large-scale attack on the main point of base of the Russian ships in the Black Sea.

However, the main burden of the attack fell on ship repair capacity. Moreover, the Russians will still be damaged by ships, so it is necessary to ensure that there is no room for their repair. The expert stated that for the first time since 1941 the hostile fleet received such large -scale destruction on his own base. However, in one course, no one managed to destroy the enemy fleet. "They were destroyed in parts.

If after this beautiful episode with" Rostov-on-Don "there was an episode when our drone Sea Baby was pounding a ship on the Samum air pillow, then there may be different surprises," Kirichevsky said. He also stated that it is not necessary to hope that the Russian Fleet in the Black Sea will be destroyed in the near future. This will not happen even by the end of the year. But the more ships Ukraine will be able to hit, the faster maritime exports will be restored.

"Even some issues from neighboring Poland will be removed, because if we can take our grain on our own through our ports, then there will be no friction on the subject of grain," the expert. On the night of September 13, explosions thundered in the temporarily occupied Sevastopol. 2 Russian vessels-the Rostov-on-Don submarine and the large landing ship "Minsk"-were damaged. Later, satellite images of the Sevastopol Maritime Plant before and after the impact appeared.