41.2 UAH ▼0.54%
44.68 UAH ▼1.3%
53.03 UAH ▼1.4%
10.39 UAH ▼1.46%
1.76 UAH ▼1.82%

30,000 to the military: fakes and truth. To whom and what was reduced and to whom they added

"How much a minimum amount set by the Cabinet of Ministers is clearly not enough. This is not enough for the family to send, but even to buy minimal clothing and equipment. When I last purchased a minimum package for the fighter (and that He has not yet gone to the front!), He spent about 120 thousand UAH. But in changes in payment to the military there is still a reason. " Opinion.

Since the beginning of a large -scale invasion of Russia, which lasts for almost a year, determining the amount of additional payments to the Armed Forces to the soldiers, as well as other employees of the defense and law enforcement agencies, which protect our state and directly fight with the enemy, was regulated by government resolution dated 28. 02. 2022. 168 "Questions of some payments to servicemen, persons of ordinary and command staff, police and their families during martial law.

" And here around the topic of payments began thrash. In addition, in my opinion, it arose solely because of the improperly explanatory work with the public. And then, on the principle of "that we have done" trying to correct these mistakes, or the enemy tries to use it, blowing the flames where it is not at all. Thus, the thrash started with a message on the website of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine that a new procedure for accrual of money is being put into force.

The text of this message states that from 01. 02. 23 the approach to the use of payments 30 thousand and 100 thousand UAH, introduced by the aforementioned CMU Resolution, changes. According to the authors of the message, the approach to payment of 30 thousand UAH will change to those servicemen and law enforcement officers who are serving in parts that are not involved in the direct participation and ensuring the fighting.

They also added that they increase the minimum level of financial support for servicemen of the Armed Forces, NSU and DPS to 20 100 UAH, and employees of the SES and NPU - not less than 17 thousand UAH. That's all. After that, a powerful wave of discussion of news, which clearly had a negative color, swept on social networks.

In addition, this discussion achieved such an exacerbation that some wise men decided to use the Center for Combating Missing in the NSDC of Ukraine and to inform that it was a fake and there was no such decision at all. Already in the evening, this message was removed, although the launched information was walking online.

At least three different specialists, including experienced lawyers, who I was talking about this order, reported that it was a fake, and they were surprised why I suddenly undertook to find out this issue. However, as of this moment, the news was not removed from the Ministry of Defense's website. In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers No. 43 of 20. 01. 23 "On Amendments to Government Resolution No. 168", which contains all the relevant changes, came into force and acts.

Puncture in communication # 1: Why is it so late to report the corresponding changes? The resolution was adopted on January 20. And MoU reported its existence only on January 31 - the day before the entry into force of this document. Why? What is this meaning? The public has deprived the opportunity to understand the essence of the question.

And they only reported that a large number of servicemen took away the funds they used to, and set the minimum level of money received, which is clearly lower than the one they used to this year. And this is the second question: how much the minimum amount set by the Cabinet has set. In my opinion, it is clearly not enough. The appeal of most critics to the fact that this is not enough not to send the family, but even to purchase minimal clothing and equipment.

When I personally purchased a minimum package for the fighter (and it did not go to the front!), I spent about 120 thousand hryvnias. It was in January right after the New Year. Therefore, it seems to me that the amounts have not been smaller before. But, I repeat, this is the second question. More importantly, those normal intensified this resolution could and should be explained to the public from the very beginning and above all to those who are concerned.

So what changed as a result of the adoption of this Resolution No. 43? First. They reduced the number of military personnel in the period of martial law for an additional remuneration of 30 thousand and 100 thousand hryvnias, namely excluded from the list of such persons of military prosecutors and employees of the judicial protection service. Second. The innovation was adopted, according to which in some cases the amount of additional remuneration to persons referred to in Resolution No.

168 may be increased in accordance with the conditions and sizes determined by the Ministry of Defense, but not more than 50 thousand UAH. Yes, earlier these 30 thousand UAH. It was paid to all persons provided in Resolution No. 168, and 100 thousand UAH. - Everyone who participates directly in the fighting. Now the amount of additional remuneration can be increased from 30 thousand to 50 thousand UAH, and the terms of payment of 100 thousand UAH remained unchanged.

All persons who do not directly participate in hostilities can be received, but: the third. The new decree limited the conditions of receiving additional remuneration of 100 thousand UAH and a one -time payment in the amount of UAH 15 million to the families of the military.

Now this remuneration and payment will be paid, provided that the military at the time of service or injury (death) carried out national security and defense measures, repeling and deterring armed aggression, being directly in the areas of such measures. And the fourth. The heads of the relevant ministries and state bodies listed in paragraph 1 of Resolution No. 168 are now limited only to determine the procedure and terms of payment of additional remuneration up to 30 thousand UAH.

That's really everything. In addition, certainly, these novels introduce additional and at the same time more fair criteria for ranking payments to military personnel. And their goal is to reduce the budget load on the budget, as well as to predict a fair reward to those soldiers who at this particular moment risk their lives than their colleagues.