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You can count on payment within 3 years after injury. You can get it even after ...

Ukrainian soldiers who were injured or injured are paid help: how to decorate

You can count on payment within 3 years after injury. You can get it even after being released from military service. Ukrainian servicemen who were injured in the forefront can receive payments from the state. The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was told about what you need to do for this. Soldiers who have been injured, injury, injury, injury or disease can count on one -time cash assistance (OGD).

The main condition is the certificate of the medical and social expert commission (MSEC), which establishes a disability or percentage of disability with a warrior. "The right to help can be exercised no later than 3 years after receiving the MSEC certificate on the percentage of disability or disability," the Defense Ministry noted. If the person continues to serve, he or she must report to the commander of the military unit.

When copies of the documents are adopted and certified, some issue a conclusion on the possibility of appointment of OGD and sends it to the ministry. There, the commission makes a decision on payment. If the OGD is agreed, the Defense Ministry announces the military unit. But it already transmits the information to the soldier and pays the funds when he receives them from the ministry. In the case of those who have released from the Armed Forces, the procedure is somewhat different.

Such defenders should contact the shopping center where they are registered. Further, everything happens as with the military unit, but its functions are actually performed by the military enlistment office. "The legislation establishes a clear list of documents to be submitted. Yes, the application of the established sample and permission for the processing of personal data are completed at the place of submission of documents," the Defense Ministry explained.

In order to apply for the OGD, it is necessary to prepare copies of the following documents: "For those who have been released from the Armed Forces, additionally submitted an excerpt from the order of the military unit to exclude from the lists in connection with the dismissal," - added to the Ministry of Defense. Recall that the National Police voiced the number of cases against the evidence that investigations are being conducted.