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Bild declared an alleged successful breakthrough of the occupiers, but the Armed...

Battle during the ravine: did the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation break through the defense and what is actually happening (maps)

Bild declared an alleged successful breakthrough of the occupiers, but the Armed Forces denied this information, noting that the enemy would suffer significant losses, and his attempts to gain a backward. The German edition of Bild has recently reported that the Russian troops allegedly managed to break the defense in the city of Yar in Donetsk region, gain a new position and even install their flag on an industrial building.

However, this information was officially refuted by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Despite the difficult situation on the front, Ukrainian defenders continue to control the city and prevent the enemy from moving on. About it writes "RBC-Ukraine" with reference to OTG "Lugansk".

Bild analyst Julian Repke said that after a few months of unsuccessful attempts to cross the Siverskyi Donets channel, on October 18, Russian troops, including the Chechen Unit, allegedly managed to break through the front in the southern outskirts of the period. He noted that the Russian forces were entrenched 2. 5 km from the channel, but there was no further advancement. According to him, after that the Russians can change the direction of the offensive and attack the central part of the city.

Representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine denied information about the breakthrough and consolidation of Russian troops. In particular, the spokeswoman of OTU "Lugansk" Majorka Anastasia Bobovnikova explained that the enemy really uses the tactics of small assault groups. However, each such breakthrough is accompanied by significant losses for the enemy. "Given that the enemy uses the tactics of small assault groups, the hostile infantry runs over the channel.

However, such maneuvers are accompanied by significant losses for the Russians. Ukrainian forces quickly reflect such attacks, rejecting Russian units back," Bobovnikova said. According to her, in practice, it looks like this: small groups of Russian soldiers try to gain a foothold in certain buildings or positions, but these attempts are not successful because their logistics paths are cut by Ukrainian forces.

Ukrainian soldiers gradually reflect positions, destroying an enemy who is constantly trying to break. Such scenarios are repeated daily, but none of them leads to significant strategic changes. Representatives of the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade named after King Danylo, who defended the ravine, confirmed the complexity of the situation, but stated that the control of logistics and basic positions is still maintained in the Ukrainian forces.

Andriy Polukhin, a representative of the crew of the brigade, in an interview with "Public" said that the enemy from time to time tries to break through the channel and capture several positions, but these breakthroughs are temporary. Each time, Russian units suffer losses, and Ukrainian troops quickly regain control of territories. Yar's time is a key point on the path to the capture of important cities in Donetsk region, such as Konstantinovka and Slavyansk.

If the occupiers manage to control this city, they will be able to move west, which will significantly complicate the defense of Ukrainian positions. According to Oleksandr Musienko, the head of the Military Legal Research Center, the purpose of the Russians is to capture the entire territory of Donetsk region within administrative borders. Therefore, the invaders try to break through the ravine to access strategically important cities in the north of Donetsk region.

Musienko noted that Russian troops use additional reserves and transfer fresh forces to this direction, which complicates the situation for Ukrainian defenders. However, the Ukrainian military is taking measures to stabilize the situation and prevent further breakthrough into the central part of the city.

The expert stressed that the situation in the area of ​​the time ravine remains tense, and further development will depend on whether Ukrainian troops will be able to maintain their positions and stop the promotion of the enemy. If the situation is deteriorating and the Russians are dominated by live power and technology, Ukrainian units may be forced to go to other positions.

However, Musienko is convinced that this process will not be fast, because Ukrainian fighters are doing everything possible to cause the enemy to lose and to contain its promotion. We will remind, at the end of August in the Armed Forces reported that the Russians now control approximately 40% of the city of the Yar.