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According to the expert of the Civil Liberty Center Michael Sava, there are only...

They are tortured by electric holes: at least 4,000 peaceful Ukrainians are kept in the captivity of the Russian Federation - Roszmi

According to the expert of the Civil Liberty Center Michael Sava, there are only one source of information - Russian TV or radio. They are forced to sing the Russian anthem, Katyusha, Victory Day, and Oleg Gazmanov's songs. At least four thousand peaceful Ukrainians, whose names and circumstances of the abduction are known to human rights activists, are held captive by the Russian Federation.

An expert of the Center for Civil Liberties, who protects the rights of the missing civilians, Mikhail Sava, told the Russian edition "Important History". According to human rights defenders, the real number of civilian prisoners may be even higher. The publication emphasizes that international humanitarian law requires the parties to release the detainees of civilians without any circumstances, but so far only 154 people have managed to return to Ukraine.

According to Sava, the Russian authorities answered at first for civilians in captivity that those "detained for resistance to their". The same wording was used for Ukrainian prisoners of war, the expert. ". Today, Ukrainian human rights defenders are aware of 500 criminal cases against civilian prisoners, in the publication, most often these are cases on charges of espionage or preparing a terrorist attack. "Azov" regiment, - the message reads.

In addition, Roszma added that most civilian prisoners have been in Russian colonies without any procedural status since March 2022. "Many do not have accusations - only an inventory number of prisoners. Ukrainians are kept in separate locations. There may be a separate building for them or a separate sector of buildings in the territory of the colony. Public workers do not have the opportunity to see them. .

According to Mikhail Sava, Ukrainian civilian prisoners have only one source of information - Russian TV or Radio. "They are forced to sing the Russian anthem and patriotic songs. In all cases it is the same set:" Katyusha "," Victory Day ", songs of Oleg Gazmanov," the expert said. According to the Center for Civil Liberties, 90% of captives are subjected to torture. "Our studies were based on polls of people who have returned from captivity. Men are torturing more than women.

The 90% figure is confirmed by the United Nations Commission for Ukraine. We came to them independently of each other," Sava explained. According to an expert of the organization, when the invaders plan to leave the person in the living and then judge, they are tortured so that there were no obvious traces. "For example, an electric shooter. He only leaves dots on the body. If a person states in court that he was tortured, the investigator explains it with bugs in the chamber.