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The rocket variant is expected to have a long shooting range - up to 400 km. How...

Fangs are getting longer: how the R-360 "Nepuun" rockets are upgraded in Ukraine-expert

The rocket variant is expected to have a long shooting range - up to 400 km. However, it will not be so easy to establish the production of such a complex system as a maneuvering anti -ship missile, the analyst said. The Ukrainian Defense and Industrial Complex has a new version of the long-range anti-ship winged rocket R-360 of the Neptune complex. In particular, it is about increasing the flight range to 400 km and the ability to hit ground goals.

This was announced by Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Lieutenant General Ivan Havrylyuk. "The work is underway to create the so -called long" Neptune. Although the Ministry of Defense's representative did not disclose the details about the new long -range missile and its purpose, the Polish Defense 24, Adam Svirkovsky, gathered information about this weapon and evaluated the prospects for its modernization in war in Ukraine.

According to the expert, for the first time on the completion of the work on the modification of Ukrainian "Neptunes" for the defeat of land purposes and their combat application became known in September, when it was declared a successful lesion of an advanced rocket of the element of Russian S-300PM/C or C-400 in Crimea. The existence of the described effect in the revised configuration was confirmed by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Moreover, the developed option is expected to have a greater firing range, Svirkovsky writes. "Interestingly, there were rumors of the use of some Neptune elements for the C-200 missiles used to attack land purposes," the expert notes. Meanwhile, it will not be easy to establish production of such a complex system as a maneuvering anti -ship in wartime. The Ukrainian Protect Manening Maneo R-360 "Neptune", developed by the Kyiv Design Bureau "Lug" in 2018.

The mass of warhead reaches 150 kg, and the flight range reaches 150 km. The speed that Neptune can develop is 900 km/h, it can move at a height of 10 to 300 meters, with its ceiling reduced to about 3 meters at the very end . The battery of the RK-360 missile complex consists of six starting installations of UPSU-360, each of which is equipped with four rockets, as well as six TM-360 transport vehicles and one mobile commanding point of the RKP-360 squadron.