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According to the physicist Mikhail Kovalchuk, the Russian Federation should rest...

"At least": In the Russian Federation, the President of the NDC proposes to test nuclear weapons - Roszmi

According to the physicist Mikhail Kovalchuk, the Russian Federation should restore the test of Russian nuclear weapons to intimidate Western countries. In the Russian Federation, the President of the National Research Center (NDC) "Kurchatovsky Institute" Mikhail Kovalchuk on September 28 in Moscow at the opening of the exhibition "Kurchatov - Alexandrov Effect", suggested to test nuclear weapons on new land to intimidate the countries of the event, the Russian media reported.

According to him, the actions of Western countries on Russia are becoming more aggressive, so many experts offer to use the nuclear arsenal. He believes that foreign countries should see Moscow's determination to defend his safety: "I think it is the right thought. " Kovalchuk urged to restore the test of Russian nuclear weapons if the situation is required.

According to him, in 1961 the USSR in response to aggressive rhetoric, the United States tested thermonuclear bomb with a capacity of more than 50 megaton, "after which the Americans immediately negotiated, instantly. " "Here's exactly the same situation. It is enough to test on a new land . . . once at least. And everything will be in place," - said the Russian physicist. Kovalchuk Mikhail Valentinovich - Soviet and Russian physicist, specialist in the field of X -ray structural analysis.

Corresponding Member of the wound. President of the Kurchatov Institute. On September 26, 2022, in connection with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Kovalchuk was listed in the UK sanctions. On September 29, 2022, the sanctions list of Canada's "close associates of the regime" for "complicity in the choice of President Putin invade a peaceful and sovereign country.

" On February 19, 2023, as a member of the Savings Bank's supervisory board, he came under the sanctions of Ukraine, as he conducts "commercial activities in the sectors of the economy, providing a significant source of income for the Russian government, which initiated hostilities and genocide of civilians in Ukraine.

" Mikhail Kovalchuk is known as the brother of a billionaire Yuri Kovalchuk (a number of media is called him Putin's personal friend), who, for his part, is not only interrupted by Russian internal policy and media. Both brothers are in Putin's closest environment. We will remind, on September 26, Guterres stated that humanity should eliminate nuclear weapons. The UN Secretary General is convinced that the world has encountered a greater level of danger of nuclear weapons than in the Cold War.