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The fate of war in Ukraine will be tried to decide in mid-November at the Brazil...

War decisions - in November: how the West and the Global South go to the Treaty on the Ukrainian Issue

The fate of war in Ukraine will be tried to decide in mid-November at the Brazilian G-20 summit, the journalist Orest Sohar assumes. The contours of a compromise between the West and the Global South are already drawn, and it seems to be a Chinese version of peace . . . The G20 will take place "arrow" of democratic and dictatorial camps: it seems that the fate of the Putin War against Ukraine seems to decide.

Our Western partners, from all scenarios of confrontation with Russian imperialism, choose negotiations with him. And all because Biden sees more risks in Trump than Putin. If Washington finally solved Kiev's hands for the full use of long -range missiles in the Rushist territory, it would be a clear signal to the Kremlin: we will only agree with you with you when we can drive. But in fact, the message sounded the opposite.

Formally, the United States is covered by an intelligence report that once again told the Kremlin's red lines and the risk of escalation. According to intelligence, the Russian Federation will probably respond "more stringent actions against the US and their allies, perhaps using deadly attacks, if it is allowed to use American, British and French missiles to blows deep into the territory of the Russian Federation," - New York Times.

This is only partially: NATO was impunity on its trunks already many Putin lines; Therefore, today's "concern" of rocket priority of the Russian Federation is primarily caused by the US election. Baiden's team fears that Putin's smallest attempt to snoop on the roundabout will be used by Trump to discredit Stone Garis as a competitor in the election.

And again: partners no longer want to pour as much money on the altar of victory of democracy as it takes for the armed advantage of Ukraine over Muscovy. Globally, the partners' position on the future of the Putin War has not yet been agreed, and in view of everything, it will be formed on October 10-12 in Berlin, where leaders of the United States, Germany, France and the United Kingdom will meet. Biden's "warlike pacifists" will try to squeeze Macron and Kira Starmer.

Biden is now at the point of caution in Scholz. The position of both of them is read: Baiden's elections, Scholtz has economic stagnation, and he already hints that again, it was time to negotiate between Putin and Zelensky. Britain and France will still try to press on Scholz with Biden to elect a different position of allies in the war: to force Putin to negotiations solely from the standpoint of force, as the weakness of the West will lead to increased Russia.

Therefore, most European countries are in favor of further assistance to Ukraine and the permission to "range": for Europe it is a global conflict that threatens the world. This may seem to be a coincidence, but Biden with Scholz delayed the brakes of Ukrainian help at the moment when they began to "gas" the country of the global south, promoting the Chinese-Brazilian [in fact-Russian] "peace plan".

And this happens on the eve of the G20 summit on November 18-19 in Brazil, where the beneficiaries of war and peace will meet. China with its political satellites has created an international group "From the end of the war", which will "play a constructive role in the political regulation of the Ukrainian issue. " Beijing pulled Putin Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Mexico, Kenya, Zambia, Kazakhstan and even Hungary to the club of Putin's lovers.

At the last meeting in New York, Scholz, Baiden, Macron and Older, the phrase "Putin should be spoken", and here the Chinese with the Brazilians painted a "peaceful initiative", which will give Muscovy several years to the re-arms. We live in a dynamic world, and the moods of "Beneficiaries of Peace" can be corrected, Biden is able to even promise Ukraine to "round -up" to model some reality . . . And it looks like it will be a Chinese table.