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The Central Bank recognized the fact of which its resources have become inaccess...

GUR hackers attacked the Central Bank of Russia: what damage the Russians suffered

The Central Bank recognized the fact of which its resources have become inaccessible to users. On July 29, the Central Bank of Russia attacked the cyberfactors of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, who have been carrying out the largest DDOS against the Russian Internet Infrastructure for almost a week. Sources in special services reported this focus.

At about 11:00 local time, the resources of the Central Bank of Russia, which financially supports Russian aggression against Ukraine, operate with significant interruptions or are generally unavailable to users. The financial institution itself recognizes the fact of the cyber mansion and state that the intensity of the attack is increasing. In addition, Russian users cannot use the online Gazprombank and Zenit Bank.

The situation is also complicated by the absence of stable Internet communication, since the largest telecommunications services providers in the Russian Federation are also undergoing systematic cyber strikes. In particular, the attack is carried out on the MTS provider, whose users cannot fully use the services for the third day.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation ("Bank of Russia") is the main bank of the first level, the chief issue, monetary institute of the Russian Federation, which develops and implements in cooperation with the Russian government a single state-credit policy and is endowed with special powers, in particular, the right of monetary issue signs and regulation of banks' activities.

Recall that the unprecedented cyberattack for Russian services that finance the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation lasts from July 23. She struck VTB-Bank, Alfa Bank, Sberbank, Raiffeisen Bank, RShB Bank, Rosbank, Gazprombank, T-Bank, Ibank, Bank of the Dom. PrF. ". Also attacked brokerage annexes, ATMs, Russian social networks and messengers, Internet providers, national payment systems.

According to sources at GUR MOU, the operation against financial institutions of the aggressor state is ongoing. Earlier, they wrote that in early July, GUR hackers made the most powerful cyber attack in the history of Russian providers. As a result, at least 250 thousand subscribers remained without communication in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, in particular in the Crimea. Both customers and operators who used the affected infrastructure were injured.