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US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken expressed his hope that Sweden would soon ...

US and Finland have signed a defense cooperation agreement: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation is taking action

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken expressed his hope that Sweden would soon complete the NATO accession. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation called the Ambassador of Finland to Moscow. The US and Finland signed the Defense Cooperation Agreement (DCA) on Monday, December 18. This was stated at the press conference by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, Finnie Gaykinen, Finnie Minister of Finland and Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen.

It is noted that such an agreement simplifies military cooperation and training of two countries - after its signing, US military forces will be able to stay and train in Finland, and the movement of troops and equipment will not require approval at the same high level as it is still. In addition, as noted by the signatories, the document contains 15 zones that will be used by US servicemen.

There are also separate objects within which they will be available only to the United States (in the Swedish agreement - 17, Norwegian - 4). As Anthony Blinken noted before the signing, Finland's accession to NATO strengthened the Alliance. He emphasized that the last year has become historic for the cooperation of Helsinki and Washington. In addition, the US Secretary of State expressed the hope that Sweden would soon complete this process.

The United States signed defense agreements with Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Bulgaria. Following the signing of the DCA, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation summoned the Ambassador of Finland to Moscow. They stated that Russia will take measures to counteract the "aggressive decision" of Finland and NATO.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed that there may be problems with the Russian Federation after joining NATO in Finland. He also announced the creation of the Leningrad Military District. Recall that Russian President Vladimir Putin accused NATO of the fact that the Alliance allegedly creates a conflict despite Moscow's unwillingness to spoil relations.