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For each war, you need to find only your unique strategy and logic, which will a...

Drones instead of tanks and legal card blanche: Zaluzhny outlined the Victory of the Armed Forces over the Russian Federation

For each war, you need to find only your unique strategy and logic, which will already allow you to find the way to win. For almost eighty years, we have separated us from the last battles of World War II, which became the basis of the strategic vision of the wars of the late XX-early XXI century.

Despite the frantic development of weapons and military equipment, namely: aviation, missiles and space, the development of communications and HRs, the victory strategy was to destroy the enemy and seize or liberate the territory. In this case, the forms and methods in which it was achieved depended directly on the level of development of weapons and military equipment used.

Of course, knowledge of the basics of strategy, operational art, tactics should accompany the career growth of military specialists and serve to solve two main tasks. The first of them is probably minor. It is to prepare the commander directly for the future war with the task of predicting the war situation that will be at the beginning of hostilities.

It is such a complicated task in the event of a solution to withstand the blow and give a decent repel of the enemy, to bleak his shock groups, and thereby win time to intercepts the initiative. This process is associated with enormous risks and doubts that are due to the only chance to give a decent resistance less than limited resources.

The second task, in my opinion, is the main one - in time to find out the requirements that the war -related warfare, and, as a consequence, the rapid development of weapons and military equipment, the political situation in the world and in the world and in the world itself state, economic state, etc. And, therefore, for every war it is necessary to find only your unique strategy and logic, which will allow you to find the way to victory in the new conditions.

Speaking of our own special strategy, we can in no way reject completely existing doctrines that describe the process of preparation and operation. We should only be aware that they will be constantly changing and filled with new content. The principles of operational art will remain unchanged. Therefore, given the requirements of today, our most important task will be to take a new point of view on the forms and ways of applying defense forces to achieve victory.

The main reason for changing the strategy, forms and methods of use of troops is certainly the development of weapons and military equipment, and especially unmanned systems, the use of which has become massive and allows to perform a wide range of tasks that are constantly growing. Therefore, unmanned systems, along with other recent weapons, are perhaps the only tool for the output of a positional form that is not profitable for Ukraine for a number of reasons.

However, there are a number of factors in the current situation that certainly influence the decision to find new forms of use of defense forces.

Here are some of them: the experience of fighting for the armed forces of Ukraine, especially in 2022-2023, is unique, and still remains only our heritage, and therefore, constantly looking for a path to victory, obliges us to constantly audit the available capabilities, from which The result of fighting depends and to look for ways to gain an advantage over the enemy.

Moreover, by operating the concept of the result of hostilities, we understand the conditions under which the enemy will give up further aggression, and it is the creation of such conditions that seem to be effective in the use of the opportunities that are in the arsenal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In view of the above, as well as according to the conditions of the war of today, the main option is to master the all the arsenal of relatively cheap, new and extremely effective means that are rapidly developing.

It is the attempt to take advantage of progress in the field of development of the latest technologies that will allow you to win scientific, technical, technological and tactical battle and will lead not only to unconditional victory, but also to the economy and preservation of resources both Ukraine and our partners.

The need to significantly increase the capabilities of unmanned systems and other new technological systems, positively influence the course of hostilities, prompts as a consequence of finding new forms and methods of use, which, in turn, will certainly affect the structure of both the Armed Forces and other components Defense of Ukraine.

To increase the impact of BPS and other newest systems on the efficiency of hostilities is possible: Therefore, it is necessary to create a new design of operations on the basis of available technological capabilities, which will be based not only on spatial-temporal indicators of military (combat), but also mainly on the creation of decisive conditions and achieving the relevant effects that will contribute to the purpose of the operation.

Based on the experience of fighting and the forecast of the development of armed struggle, the following decisive conditions are: at first glance, these are absolutely conservative and classical conditions, the achievements of which serves as long -term forms and methods.

But this is only at first glance, since it is the means of achieving them that have already changed, and the old means, unfortunately, are increasingly a dream for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, change first and foremost and ways of achieving them.

According to the idea of ​​creating the determining conditions, the process of achieving them will, of course, be ensured by a number of operational tasks, and when solving each operational task, the necessary effects will be created, thanks to the involved forces and means. And they, at the expense of technological advantage, should not act on the pattern and in accordance with the current doctrine.

Creating the necessary effects, without a doubt, today radically leads to changes in the system. Thus, in order to realize the conditions of creation of the necessary effects, today it is necessary to consider as separate: all these operations are already mastered and developed. They are conducted according to a single thought and plan, agreed and interconnected, but differ in content.

Regarding conducting operations to achieve effects, probably in content, they will essentially defensive and offensive, but in the way of execution may be: this list of operations will continuously grow with the development of the means themselves, and of course, will encourage changes in doctrinal documents and formation of a completely new philosophy of preparation and fighting.

The emergence of new independent operations or their combination leads to the need to create a new organizational structure. All this will be possible with a flexible and rapid response of state institutions to changes. Thus, there are changes in the nature and content of classical defense, offensive and stabilization operations, the approach to planning and maintaining which was usually linear and template. At the same time, these operations were united in fact, including the views of partners.

Along with this, the long -known concept of network -centered war in new conditions, thanks to the high -tech means of armed struggle, finds its interpretation not through the actions of troops, but through the creation of effects and reaching decisive conditions through appropriate capabilities.

I would also like to note that in addition to improving the efficiency of hostilities, unmanned and other new technological systems are able to solve a number of key problems in organizing and conducting hostilities of Ukraine's defense forces: this list of benefits is incomplete and, no doubt, will change, expanding the spectrum of efficient use . Of course, on the battlefield, the enemy will look for ways to protect and try to take the initiative.

Therefore, with the development of capacity of shock systems, including unmanned, it is essential to improve protection and counteraction systems.

Therefore, in order to master new forms and methods, forces of defense, it is necessary to create a completely new state system of technological re -equipment, which will belong to the subsystems: most likely, each of the subsystems will further require a separate study and development, but now it is safe to say that the system can be said should be holistic and at the same time flexible both in the entities that can be involved and in terms of financing and changes in production.

Undoubtedly, all this will take time, but time is decisive. Considering the already existing system of application, the technical solutions found and the already created system of management and experience, as well as on the views of partners in modern conditions, the creation of such a system with the necessary volume of production, can take up to five months.

The specified term is conditioned by the need to create appropriate organizational structures and to complete them, training of staff, resource support, creation of the necessary infrastructure, logistics and development of the doctrinal base.

In view of this, in 2024, we need the basic efforts to focus on: So, we lead the language that in modern conditions the Armed Forces of Ukraine, together with other components of the state's defense forces, have capabilities that allow not only to destroy the enemy, but also ensure the existence of itself statehood.