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According to journalists, the land near the shrine in the monastery of the Nizhn...

Russian officials buy lands in the monastery to save themselves from the apocalypse - the media

According to journalists, the land near the shrine in the monastery of the Nizhny Novgorod region was purchased because during the end of the world "inside the groove will be ascended. " Among those who have believed are the head of "Rosatom" Alexei Likhachev, Viceremier of the Russian Federation Victoria Abramchenko and others. Kremlin officials and businessmen from the Russian Federation buy land in a monastery in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Here they plan to find "salvation during the apocalypse". About it reports "Medusa" with reference to sources in the Russian government. The Virgin Mary of the Virgin Mary, which is considered the main local shrine. In Soviet times, it was destroyed, and at the beginning of zero years it was restored. In the nineteenth century, this monastery lived Seraphim Sarovsky - one of the most revered in Orthodoxy of the saints.

There is evidence that the saint stated that this groove "heaven herself was measured by his belt. " According to legend, Seraphim Sarovsky said that the antichrist will pass everywhere during his arrival, "and the grooves will not jump. " "The groove will be from earth to heaven," the legend testifies. "He cannot go down to you, nowhere to allow the groove, so it will go. " According to journalists, many representatives of the Russian elite became fascinated by a promising prophecy.

"Some EB **** and seriously inside [and around] the grooves bought the earth because everything is **** I, and the fact that inside the groove will be aspassed," - so, according to journalists, the words of the saint are interpreted by some representatives power.

The authors of the publication, among others who believed in the miraculous power of the monastery shrine, named: Among others, this place is paid to Viceremier Dmitry Chernyshenko, Viceremier Andrey Belousov and the head of the RJD Oleg Belozerov. The latter, by the way, heads the Board of the Seraphim Sarovsky Foundation. According to the Russian media, the main sacrifice of the Divievsky Monastery is called Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

Among other things, the Diveevo house has a filmmaker Nikita Mikhalkov. The religious scholar Sergey Chapnin reported that the deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergey Kiriyenko also made a contribution to the development of the monastery. Several sources called the unification of officials in the monastery by the secular club of interest, which, because of its closedness and elitism, is similar to the Masonic lodge.

To join such a fraternity will need not only the blessing of clergy, but also the president. Kremlin head Vladimir Putin came to Diviev in September 2023. Then he gave the monastery as a gift to the icon of Our Lady of the XVI century. Recall that during the congress of priests of the RPC, the war in Ukraine was called "sacred", and its purpose is to make the whole country a "zone", which would spread.