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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky suggests: peace talks with the Russian F...

Armistice - on what conditions? What format of negotiations from the Russian Federation can be and who will become the mediator

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky suggests: peace talks with the Russian Federation are possible, but because of international mediators. He is ready to speak about the end of the war with Moscow on the principle of coordination of the grain agreement. Who could act as a winner, the focus was understood. The other day, The Philadelphia Inquirer has published an interview with Vladimir Zelensky.

In it, the President said: "This model was used for the first time on the example of a grain corridor, when Ukraine agreed not with Russia, but with the UN and Turkey. " They, in turn, took the responsibility to negotiate with Moscow, after which the relevant agreement with the Russian Federation was signed. That is, two mirror agreements appeared to resolve the issue.

According to Zelensky, such a scheme could be used in negotiations on issues of territorial integrity, energy and freedom of navigation. And different countries could make intermediaries - from different continents. "These are our partners not only Europe and the US, but also from many continents, including Asia, the Pacific, as well as Africans, Latin America.

There are representatives who prepare the solution of a particular crisis, and then this document, if it satisfies Ukraine, It is necessary to deal with representatives of the Russian Federation. Earlier, Volodymyr Zelenskyy repeatedly spoke about the impossibility of such negotiations during Putin's presidency. And even this moment was enshrined in law. But sometimes Zelensky still mentions possible negotiations.

As in a recent interview or earlier at a joint press conference with Slovenia President Natasha Pirz Musar in Kiev. Then he stated that Ukraine would decide when negotiations with the aggressor country began. Political scientist Petro Oleshchuk believes that such words of President Zelensky should be interpreted in the context of election processes in many EU and US countries, as well as the European Parliament.

Some political forces either fight for power or have just come and try to play the topic of Russia's war against Ukraine - they say, you demand to support Ukraine, and it instead wants eternal war, refuses to negotiate, etc. "I think the statements of the President of Ukraine are intended to explain the position of Ukraine from the point of view of similar speculation and manipulation, to tell Western partners, in particular, the American, about the moods of Ukraine," says Oleshchuk Focus.

Only the result of a bilateral consistency of positions. We will remind, on June 14, Vladimir Putin called the conditions for peace talks, including "complete withdrawal" of Ukrainian troops from Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine and "neutral, non -aligned and non -nuclear status for Ukraine, its demilitarization and denacification.

" Therefore, the President of Ukraine demonstrates, it is impossible to treat the situation: the Russian Federation declares the possibility of negotiations, and Ukraine rejects this idea. "That is, the world can condemn Ukraine for stubbornness, and unacceptable proposals of the Russian Federation - do not discuss. Everyone should understand that the negotiations will not begin with such ultimative requirements," the expert adds.

In other words, the purpose of Ukraine to demonstrate: Ukraine is ready for different options, but Russia and Putin personally, in fact, do not want any negotiations, but seek only the surrender of Ukraine. At the same time, obviously, international partners are pressed on Ukraine, because they are not profitable in Ukraine. Some of them talk about Yalta-3, Finland or Korean scenario.

On the one hand, many countries have their own interests - someone does not need a war in Europe, because it requires a lot of money, and someone needs to get political dividends from it that will help influence internal consumers. Of course, many would like it if Ukraine has declared that the war had ended. And similar moods share many Western and pro -Western politicians: everyone wants to say that the war has ended, they say, "we are fellows" and "voters - vote for us.

" The global south countries also seek peace. More precisely, not so much to peace, but before stabilizing the situation and ceasefire. Most of its leaders say they are against the war, but refused to condemn the invasion and join Western sanctions against Moscow. "Neutrality" is economically beneficial to such countries, because they continue trade with the Russian Federation of oil and food. In China, his ambitions - he competes for the global championship in the world.

At the same time, in Europe a different approach. Although they talk about peace, they understand the risks. According to Estonia President Alara Caris, the theme of the truce in the war of Russia against Ukraine is violated in the West to find out the mood. "Not during the official, but at informal meetings in the sidelines, they break the theme of the truce to find out the moods.

But our answer is the same as given by President Zelensky: peace will be when Ukraine will win in the war," he explained. "Politicians in the US and the EU, in fact, are well aware that Vladimir Putin's ambitions go far beyond Ukraine. If simply declared the end of the war, it can stop for a short time, but will eventually lead to more devastating consequences for them," Oleshchuk says. But back to the words of Vladimir Zelensky.

He says it does not exclude that mediators can be involved in the talking process. "And when they talk about them, countries that are ready or able to speak with the Russian Federation, it is a matter of weights - above all the US and China. They could not only take the responsibility They will be able to, - says Oleshchuk. Another question is how effective the intermediaries can be.

In such a role, Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban saw himself, who for the first time since July 2024 from the time of a full -scale invasion came to Ukraine. On the eve of his visit to Kiev, he promised to make the "first steps" to promote peace in Ukraine. "Peace is an important question. The war you live in now has a very intensive effect on Europe's safety. We appreciate all Mr Zelensky's initiatives to reach peace. I told Zelensky that these initiatives need a lot of time.

They are very complicated. Petro Oleshchuk doubts that Orbana can be considered seriously as a mediator. "It is not so independent figure. Everything he can decide is internal affairs. Orban was primarily about the rights of Hungarians in Ukraine. Because it is part of his policy. Unofficially agreed on the continuation of Russian gas transportation, because this is probably the most powerful The tool is in the hands of Ukraine, "he adds. Speaking of Orban, Ukraine is his inner interest.

The ratings of Fidesz managed by him are gradually declining - this has proven the elections to the European Parliament, and in the back it is breathable by the centering "Party of respect and freedom" of former political ally Peter Magyar.

Therefore, Orban is looking for opportunities to influence internal consumers, in particular, through foreign policy and his ties with Vladimir Putin: Victor Orban is the only European leader who, after the start of a full -scale Russian invasion, pressed his hand to the Russian dictator. In addition, his close associate - Foreign Minister Peter Siarto during this period was at least five times in Russia.

Therefore, in addition to domestic politics, Orban would like to influence the external, for example, to act as Putin's envoy and broadcast his thoughts. But this cannot be called mediation. A conversation about ceasefire is an imitation of mediation. Experts are convinced that mediators in individual matters may be, for example, the countries of the Middle East. They have a range of certain interests.

"For individual countries, it is a question of prestige," explains focus an expert on the International Policy Center "Ukrainian Institute of the Future" Elijah Kus. "So they show that they, as mediators, solve some important problem for the world. It is now a food security problem . Turkey, when it was a mediator of the Agreement on the Black Sea corridor, very actively sold this role to African countries, saying that, thanks to Turkey, Ukrainian grain can continue to enter the markets safely.

, however, for Turkey, it is a question of prestige in which they actively converted their role. " Kusu assumes: other countries, like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, can also join this initiative - if they want and invited. But it is unlikely that these countries can be mediators in the termination of war. "And now it is said," continues the bit. "That is about the armistice along the line of the front that will be at that moment. But it is hardly possible.

Rather, the task of creating, as in Switzerland, is a picture that we have that we have Some plan that we want to impose on the Russian Federation without its participation. Therefore, options are possible. " Meanwhile, President Zelensky responded to Orban's proposal - "just stop shooting. " Like, there is a plan that is built as part of a peace summit, it must be implemented. Globically, this is a peaceful initiative of Ukraine, which should later be proposed by the Russian Federation.