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While Ukraine was surrounding Avdiivka, Russia was less large -scale, but no les...

"T-80 stopped 9 mines": the Russian Federation spent 300 pieces of equipment on capture of one city-Forbes

While Ukraine was surrounding Avdiivka, Russia was less large -scale, but no less bloody attack on Novomykhailovka. While Ukraine and the whole world were reverted by the Russian campaign from the capture of Avdiivka, the Russian military was on a lesser attack on another city of Donetsk region - Novomikhailivka, which was captured almost simultaneously with Avdiivka. Forbes writes about it. The scale of the battle for Novomikhailivka was no less bloody.

The estimates differ, but probably Russia has spent more than 40,000 servicemen on Avdiivka - one third killed, two -thirds of the wounded - as well as more than 1000 pieces of equipment. In the area of ​​Novomikhailivka of the Russian Federation lost more than 300 pieces of equipment, according to the Ukrainian operator of drones with the call sign Kriegsforscher. This means that the loss of troops was about 13,000 killed and wounded.

The losses of defense forces in both battles were much smaller. When, in early October, dozens of brigades and regiments from three Russian field armies attacked Avdiivka, "all our attention was focused there," KriegsForscher recalled. But, he said, "there was another big battle. " Seven Russian regiments and brigades, including the 155th Brigade of Marines, attacked a Ukrainian garrison in Novomikhailivka, consisting of two brigades. The combat clashes were merciless.

In a long, the fighter described in detail the losses of Russian tanks, including the T-54 of the 1950s, T-62 of the 1960s and the more T-72 and T-80. Ukrainian mines, artillery and drones have shot down dozens of tanks, but the Russians continued to advance. As in the battle for Avdiivka, the Russians ended a special armored vehicle, and attracted many homemade machines as a replacement.

At least one "tank-tank" with a reinforced armor-T-62 without a tower, with a body, enhanced anti-rad armor,-the Ukrainian mine was immobilizing. The heavy losses that the Armed Forces caused the Russians were stopped, but did not prevent the fall of Novomikhailivka in mid -April. As in Avdiivka, in Novomikhailivka there was no desperate artillery shells and anti-tank missiles, mostly due to the long-term blockade of assistance to Ukraine by the US pro-Russian lawmakers.

The blockade ended, but when Russian troops were already entered in Novomikhailivka. For several months after the capture of Novomykhailivka, the Russians continued to attack north, west and south, but with less success, since more American ammunition arrived along the front line. According to the Ukrainian Center for Defense Strategies, the Armed Forces reflected the attack of Russian troops south of the destroyed city on July 2.

At the cost of 320 units of armored vehicles and perhaps thousands of servicemen in half a year, the Russian military has advanced about 6 km deep and through Novomikhailivka. Whether the ruins of the city of the price paid by Russia are a question that only Russians can answer. It should be reminded that the troops of the Russian Federation were hit by an "Isander" on the landfill in the Kharkiv region, where the NSU fighters were.