Meanwhile, Azerbaijan published their version of the content of the conversation. About Putin Aliyev's call was written in the Telegram channel RIA Novosti. In Roszm, the summary of the conversation of Putin and Aliyev in accordance with the Kremlin's version. It is first noted that communication took place at the initiative of the Russian side. The President of the Russian Federation apologized for the incident over the territory of the Russian Federation.
"Vladimir Putin has apologized because the tragic incident occurred in Russia's airspace," the Kremlin's statement stated. In addition, Putin described the Russian version of events that happened with Azal aircraft in the morning of December 25. Everything that the Russian recognized: the aircraft really tried to sit at the Grozny Airport several times, that is when the drones were attacked and that's when the aircraft remedies really worked.
The statement stated that investigative actions are ongoing and criminal proceedings under Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of safety rules for air transport, maximum punishment - prison up to seven years). On the portal of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev also appeared a brief translation of the conversation with Putin.
The publication stated that the President of the Russian Federation has apologized for "physical and technical intervention" in the flight of the Embraer 190 companies Azal. Aliyev clearly voiced the information that the aircraft had been external, the crew was forced to turn to the Actu Airport in Kazakhstan and "landing was only due to the courage and professionalism of pilots. " Aliyev Putin said in the message that "intervention" was still said.
"The head of state emphasized the presence of numerous holes in the aircraft building, that passengers and crew members were injured from third -party particles that penetrated the deck of the aircraft in the air, and therefore the statements of the surviving and passengers confirmed The fact of external physical and technical intervention, "-said in Azerbaijan.
It should be noted that in the morning of December 25, the Embraer 190 aircraft fell in Kazakhstan, not flying a few kilometers to the Actua Airport. The aircraft flew by the Baku-Grozny flight, but at some point turned and headed east through the Caspian Sea, flying another 400 km to catastrophic landing. The fall killed 38 passengers and five crew members, 32 people saved.
According to the first versions voiced in Roszma, the accident occurred through the fog and a flock of birds that allegedly damaged the management system. However, hundreds of small holes on the case were visible in the photo and video from the scene, which could probably occur due to the explosion of the anti -aircraft air defense missile.
Azerbaijan analysts concluded that the Narzir-C1 SC rocket was worked next to the Embraer 190, which the Russian military tried to repel the drones attack on the Grozny Airport. The first explanations of "Rosaviation" about the causes of the catastrophe did not mention either air defense or birds. Instead, it was about the fog and the inability to plant a plane that had to be sent to Kazakhstan.
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