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According to the head of the MVA Alexei Drozdenko, as of now, the offensive is u...

Unsacity task: Sumy MBA Chairman evaluated the likelihood of the offensive of the Russians

According to the head of the MVA Alexei Drozdenko, as of now, the offensive is unsurpassed for the enemy, as it will not lead to expected success. Russia does not leave the intention of the offensive in the Sumy region, but the occupation of Sumy is a non -solid task for the enemy. This was stated in the comment to "Public" by Alexei Drozdenko, the head of the Sumy City Military Administration (MVA). According to him, the invaders actually accumulate forces.

Intelligence data indicate that the enemy does not have armored equipment. At the same time, personnel are increasing. In addition, the head of the MBA noted that today the offensive is not inability to the enemy, because it will not lead to any success. Drozdenko also compared the situation with the offensive in the Kharkiv region. Minor successes of the Russians have cost them significant losses.

Therefore, in the event of an offensive on the amount, the enemy would not have the chance to reach the city. Drozdenko explained separately that the city is not threatened by the occupiers' artillery. According to him, it is necessary for the occupiers to fit it up to a distance of 10 km from the amounts, or even closer. "It is impossible now, so artillery is not.

Out of the air, but seeing the latest news and confirmation from certain military units, about pilots trained on F16 and aircraft, then I am already in anticipation that even in the air it will become easier for us. With the carriers of the cabin, "he said. We will remind that on May 14 the head of the GUR Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov stated that Russian troops can start an offensive on the Sumy region. The purpose of these actions is to distract from the Armed Forces from other directions.