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The free e-mail service of Russia's largest online portal is Mail.Gu stopped fun...

Ukrainian cyberwar stopped the work of the largest online portal of Russia,-Minisfra (photo)

The free e-mail service of Russia's largest online portal is Mail. Gu stopped functioning. The Office emphasizes that access to mail is not only a correspondence, but also the ability to restore passwords and pass a two -factor verification. The Ukrainian IT Army attacked the largest online portal of Russia Mail. Gu. This was reported by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.

Not only part of internal users in the Russian Federation, but also all mail owners who are outside the country, have lost access to their own accounts. "We say" pa-pa "Mail. Gu. IT-Army attacked the largest online portal in Russia. The free e-mail service stopped due to the attacks of our cyberwar,"-the message reads.

The Mincrifra message stresses that access to e -mail is not only a correspondence, but also the ability to restore passwords, to pass a two -factor verification, to access the devices. The Mysterious Werewolf Hacker Group, which has been operating since 2023, began to use its own programs for attacks on the Russian military-industrial complex (MIC). They managed to integrate legal services into their malicious program.

This complicated the detection of the attack - for a long time no one suspected that the systems of Russian companies were compromised. On February 27, there was a massive Internet and mobile failure in Russia. Domain RU users were in isolation. They complained that they couldn't use Telegram or WhatsApp, log in to the VK network and watch the video on YouTube. Leading mobile operators also "lay down" and did not provide communication.

The Lockbit hackers that demanded billions of euros and worked with the Kremlin destroyed. Earlier, the General Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine carried out a kierdoperation against the site of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and laid a special communication server. It happened on January 30. As a result of the actions of Ukrainian cyber intelligence, the exchange of information between the units of the Ministry has become impossible.

In January this year, Ukrainian hackers received 200 gigabytes of 3,000 organizations in Russia. This is the result of volunteers with IT Army of Ukraine. The same January Hackers of the Blackjack group "broke" the Russian state -owned enterprise, which builds military objects throughout the Russian Federation, and stole documentation on 500 objects of the Russian Defense Ministry.