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Works can improve the life of mankind, defeat hunger and increase life, but only...

China creates an army of robots: experts predicted how androids will change the world by 2035

Works can improve the life of mankind, defeat hunger and increase life, but only if people have time to prepare for change. China voiced plans for mass production of robots by 2025 while Tesla Ilona Mask and other Western companies seek to produce their own androids. Tabloid Dailymail asked experts how such machines can change the world in the near future.

The well-known investment company Goldman Sachs predicts that humanoid robots will begin to be used massively in factories from 2025 to 2028, and in other areas of activity-in 2030-2035. After 15 years, the global capitalization of the humanoid machine market will be about $ 150 billion. Amazon has recently tested a humanoid robot, putting working at one of its centers.

Business Development Manager in the UK National Cabinet Lisa Farrell is convinced that by 2035 such machines will significantly affect society and the world economy. Mass production of androids at a reasonable price will be possible due to the development of technologies and increasing scale, and in the future different types of robots will be involved in industry, health, construction, transport, hotel business and many other areas.

They can increase productivity, improve quality control and help perform recurring or dangerous tasks. According to the consulting company McKinsey, by 2025, global economic increase from artificial intelligence and robotics will approach $ 6 trillion. There will also be new high -paying workplaces for maintenance, programming and interaction with work.

The author of the book "Tech for Good" ("Technologies") Marga Huk believes that robotics will have a positive effect on many spheres of life, but people need to prepare for it. In particular, androids and artificial intelligence systems can take about a quarter of all jobs. In her opinion, it is now necessary to conduct research and find out what positions will remain for people in the society of the future, when humanoid work will become a common occurrence.

"I am most concerned about what all humanity spends a lot of time on fear instead of taking and expecting," the writer shared. "If we don't teach people if we do not predict, if we do not, for example, radically change School programs, let's be late. " Marga Khuk believes that work will be able to care for the elderly and with deviations such as autism. There are now models that are able to understand human behavior and respond to emotions.

In her opinion, technologies will support people and make their lives longer. According to Professor Angelo Kangelose, Professor of the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge at Manchester University, Androids will help teach children and young people, performing different tasks, for example, to act as teachers' assistants in schools.

According to his forecast, in the next 5-10 years of work they will be able to better carry objects and have meaningful conversations, but the creation of completely autonomous machines that resemble people will take much more time. Marga Khuk said that according to some forecasts, the fast -growing market of robots for education will reach $ 3. 1 billion by 2025. "For example, humanoids can be used in flexible production enterprises, working with people on the assembly of equipment details.

They can also be used for social assistance or as auxiliary training in schools," the professor said. Angelo Congeloz added that the work will be able to facilitate the performance of routine tasks, but specialists who will control them and maintain them will always be needed. It is difficult to develop robotic machines and systems of artificial intelligence, and gradual progress in these technologies will give society time to prepare for changes.

Surgeons will come in handy in remote areas or battlefields to perform professional operations to patients who cannot get doctors. Marga Khuk believes that work is much better suited to a person for accurate surgery, because human fingers and eyes greatly limit the ability of doctors. In hostilities, the first 30 seconds are most important to survival after injury, and the cars are not afraid to suffer themselves.

The writer is also sure that works will change agriculture and help feed all humanity by defeating famine: "All over the world is not enough healthy food, and the population of the world is still growing. , reduce food waste and send products from point A to point B, " - summed up Marga Khuk. Earlier it was written that in South Korea robot killed a worker at the factory.