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Dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Today is a long day. In the morning - Kharkiv. He w...

Putin not just wants to disrupt the Summit

Dear Ukrainians, Ukrainians! Today is a long day. In the morning - Kharkiv. He was on the site of Russian missiles on one of the largest Ukrainian publishing complexes. It's just awful - people were killed. My condolences to my family and loved ones. Many were wounded. And yet - burned by the impact of the book, destroyed equipment. Only due to the destruction of one of these typography, about a third of the annual printing of books in the country lost.

Russian terror constantly proves that their goal is the complete destruction of Ukraine and all life here, on our land, all that enables people to be people. We will do everything to protect our country and that Russian evil is responsible for the committed. Today the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the regional authorities of Kharkiv region received all the necessary orders to help restore the work of printing in Kharkiv.

It will be necessary to support the industry in general - at the state level. And please, if you have the opportunity - also support our Ukrainian book publishers, Ukrainian authors. It is important.  Undoubtedly, it will be terrorists and our answer to this blow. He held a security meeting in Kharkiv - there were reports of military, heads of special services, regional and city authorities. Now our soldiers managed to take the control of the border, where Russian invaders came.

And I thank every unit that provides the necessary results in the destruction of the occupier. Our tasks have also been discussed today - taking into account intelligence information. Putin not just wants to break the world of peace and is trying to do much. He is also afraid of what the summit can give. The world is able to force Russia to peace and compliance with international security.

Russia is nothing to oppose the world major: despite all the Putin lies, it depends on the environment - in the broad sense of the word. From the international environment - too. No one in the world is interested in this war except the aggressor itself, and everyone really understands it. The Peace Sumbit is a format that will not allow Putin to lie more. And without lies, he absolutely nobody.

And I thank everyone in the world who helps us with the organization of the summit and shows our leadership so that true peace is closer.   Today he spoke with the president of Cat-D'Ivaru, he invited to the Summit of Peace, grateful for his willingness to participate. Today he met with Marshal Senate of Poland - thanked for his support, told about the situation in Ukraine. And, of course, we discussed our preparation for the summit.