At the same time, cars are sometimes found in the Armed Forces, but volunteers have to pay fines due to violations of customs legislation. Nina Yuzhanina wrote about the reasons for fines and how this issue can be resolved, MP from "European Solidarity" in Telegram. Южаніна пояснила, чому волонтерів карають штрафами, хоч вони допомагають ЗСУ отримувати транспортні засоби з-за кордону.
Проблема полягає в тому, що інколи автомобілі отримують не ті військові частини, які вказувались у митних декларація. У такому випадку Митний кодекс вважає, що відбулось порушення і люди мають сплатити штраф 100 тис. грн.
Зі слів нардепки, вже були судові рішення щодо такого покарання, яке стосувалось машин, ввезених у 2022-23 рр. Щоб захистити волонтерів та щоб не припинилось надходження гуманітарної допомоги, нардепи планують внести зміни у Митний кодекс, ідеться у дописі політикині.
According to her, a bill was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada, which will cancel the fine for humanitarian aid, which was not received by the declared military unit. In order not to punish, it is enough to provide customs officers with a document that will confirm the receipt of the car from the military from another unit. There is no draft law on the Customs Code to cancel fines for volunteers. It should be noted that the focus wrote about the activities of volunteers who help the Armed Forces.
For example, in the spring of 2024 there was a threat of delayed humanitarian cargo through the blockade of the border, which was carried out by Polish farmers. Then Prime Minister Denis Shmigal reported that cargoes in this category did not stop and they freely get into Ukraine. At the same time, in August 2024, the Lviv Customs told about a violation that people who were volunteered from themselves tried.
The pseudo -mortgages tried to bring the car Porsche Cayenne, which was transported on the trailer and which, as it turned out, had already visited an accident. At the same time, the carrier citizens assured that they were carrying transport to help the defense forces. It turned out that the German sender from Germany did not actually send such a "humanitarian", so the carrier was punished-it would pay 100% worth a car.
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