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According to the analyst of Ivan Kirichevsky, the Kremlin considers peace talks ...

"The situation is terrible": the expert explained why the Russian Federation raised the issue of peace talks (video)

According to the analyst of Ivan Kirichevsky, the Kremlin considers peace talks not as a defeat, but as a "act of violence" against the other party. At the same time peace will be used as a pause for the next attack. In Russia, calls for peace talks with Ukraine have been intensified, and reports in Roszma testify. However, they should not be considered as a defeat, since the Kremlin talks about their victory and compulsion of the other party to the actions required by the Russians.

The situation regarding the statements of the Russian Federation is about the commentary of the Defense Express expert Ivan Kirichevsky Portal "Channel 24". Kirichevsky explained that he got acquainted with the statements published in Roszma about the possibility of peaceful negotiations. According to him, the publications do not follow that the Russians recognize the defeat in the war with Ukraine: "The situation is really scary," - evaluated the expert of Roszma's assertion.

The Russian Federation considers peace talks as evidence of victory, the interlocutor of journalists said. "They view the act of peaceful negotiations as an act of violence," he stressed. At the same time, he acknowledged that these "acts of violence" the Kremlin can use for "pauses to restore forces". In order to substantiate his position, Kirichevsky mentioned the events of World War II.

At that time, Russia forced Finland to peaceful negotiations, the conditions of which were "devastating" for this country. In the fall of 2023, the media published several statements of the Russian leadership on peace talks. In particular, their possibility was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin after meeting with China's head, Xi Jinping in September. Following the meeting, the Russian politician invited US President Joe Baiden to Moscow on a pancake, saying that Russia has won.

Following Putin's statement, the statement of the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu appeared - he invited the United States to negotiations on Ukraine. The negotiations, according to the Russian, should take place on a "realistic basis". There are some obstacles to them - it is the intention of the event to cause a strategic defeat of Russia, the politician said.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian diplomat Valery Chaly states that the conclusion of a peace agreement with the aggressor country is a "negative scenario". According to the exponent of Ukraine in the United States, in this case, "one can forget" on the reparations and punishment of Russian criminals. Meanwhile, Western politicians really began to look for a ground for a peace agreement, NBS News said. They indicated that they were talking about the territorial concessions that Ukraine could make.

This is mentioned about the "dead end", which seems to have come to the Russian-Ukrainian war. It should be noted that the first peace talks with the Russian Federation took place in the spring of 2022 and ended with nothing. In October 2022, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree that had the impossibility of negotiations while Vladimir Putin was in the Kremlin.

In the spring of 2023, Zelensky proposed the "formula of peace" of Ukraine, which consisted of ten points, among them - the payment of reparations and punishment of criminals. The Formula of Peace was discussed at three peaceful summers, the last of which took place in Malta. At the same time, Western experts point out that there is a problem with the next peaceful summit.

The reason for the problems is the war in Israel and the involvement of the events of the United Arab Emirates, which were regarded as possible reputable intermediaries in negotiations. We remind that analysts of the Institute of War Study on November 13 noted that the forces of Ukraine's defense have some successes on the left bank of the Dnieper.