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The closure of Radio Liberty and Radio Voice of America is an event, of course, ...

America lost voice: why the event lost Russia's information war

The closure of Radio Liberty and Radio Voice of America is an event, of course, epochal, but already insignificant, says journalist Vadim Denysenko. The influence of these stations is minimal, and modern methods of propaganda in Russia to use the West whether it does not want, whether it is afraid of me, the main problem is not in the closure of "Radio Liberty". The problem is that the collective event - both the US and Europe - generally refused to wage the information war in Russia.

This topic is tabooed by all funds that spend millions on journalism. I belong to the minority who believes that the closure of Radio Liberty will not be particularly influenced (except for those very worthy journalists who, unfortunately, will lose their work). Radio was created during the Cold War and its main task was undermining the Soviet Union from the inside. And it played a huge role in those days. Then it became simply media with a high quality of journalism, trust and cite.

In other words, it has become one of the good media. No one now says is that neither in 2014 nor in 2022 the collective event (reminded, it was long before Trump) did not want to create modern tools that would be effective in the information war in Russia. What are the tools? I will not discover America when I say that it is a "Tica", "Telegrams" and quality and quantitative studies.