So fans of the artists began to pass tickets massively. Even where they did not say that Asti would not come," the telegram-channel writes. The native of Cherkasy did not comment on the breakdown of her Russian tour. The former artist soloist of Artik & Asti had lived and worked in the Russian Federation for a long time before the full -scale war. After February 24, 2022, she silenced the war, continuing to stay in Russia and build a career there.
In the spring of 2022, she even recorded a song with Philip Kirkovorov, which openly supported the war in Ukraine. It should be noted that Cherkasy native became popular in a duet with another Ukrainian singer Artem Umrichin (Artik). Their project was called Artik & Asti. In 2021, the band broke up. Dziuba began to build a solo career, and the singer continued the history of Artik & Asti, hiring a new soloist.
At the end of 2023, blogger Nastya Ivleev organized a party whose dresscode was the lack of clothing, linen or transparent outfits, which caused public resonance. At the party, Philip Kirkorov, Anna Asti, Lolita Milyavska, Xenia Sobchak and others appeared, and after the scandal, they began to apologize, justifying their actions. However, the stars began to "abolish", in particular, a native of Cherkasy.
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