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Last year, Germany nationalized a company known as SEFE, which now intends to ca...

The German state company plans to trade liquefied gas with Russia - the media

Last year, Germany nationalized a company known as SEFE, which now intends to carry out trade operations with the Russian Federation. The German government is criticized because Securing Energy for Europe GmbH (former unit of the Russian gas giant PJSC "Gazprom") intends to ship liquefied gas produced at the Yamal plant in Siberia in early October. Bloomberg informs about it.

The cargo is transported to India, but the most concern is the German state -owned company, which has signed agreements with Russia. Critics have stated that this contrary to the promise of Germany to avoid working with the Russian LPG as a result of the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Last year, Germany nationalized a company known as SEFE during the energy crisis in Europe.

Christian Leue, a member of the Parliament from the Opposition Group "Left Party", said that such actions contradict almost everything that representatives of the German government have declared this topic in the past. "Economic problems with Russia are obviously not so easy to solve as they want to believe us by politicians," he said. The German Ministry of Economy reacted at the request of Bloomberg to clarify the situation. The government said they were studying the situation.

Agency journalists pointed out that such supplies emphasize the complexity and global nature of the liquefied gas. Some EU countries, but not Germany, allegedly increased the import of resource from Russia as the region is updating its energy infrastructure. Germany, according to the report, opposes, although it does not forbid the purchase of LNG from Russia. We will remind, on September 20 Reuters reported that China intends to deepen trade relations with the Russian Federation.