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These drones are unknown at least two important things - when they were transfer...

Imitate winged rockets: invaders complain about the mysterious drones that appeared in the Armed Forces (photo)

These drones are unknown at least two important things - when they were transferred, and which planes they are launched. The Armed Forces received mysterious ADM-160 Mald Drones from the United States for starting from aircraft. Details tell the Military Portal Defense Express. The invaders in the Kherson region found fragments of UAVs called ADM-160 Mald. These drones run from aircraft and play the role of "baits" to overload the enemy air defense system.

This is the second mention of the use of such drones. ADM-160 Mald is a jet miniature drone designed to simulate winged missiles or other air purposes during a breakthrough of an enemy aircraft. UAV has a body length of only 2. 38 meters, wingspan - 0. 65 meters, and the starting mass - 45 kilograms. The drone can overcome the distance from 460 kilometers to 570 kilometers, depending on the modification.

The device has a lot of onboard equipment to simulate a radar reflection as if on a "real" winged rocket. The small size of drones allows them to place: "The very fact of having American jet drones-" bait "ADM-160 Mald at the disposal The air forces can be a carrier - it is still unknown, " - writes Analysts of Defense Express. Recall that residents of three picturesque villages in British Sussex are frightened and outraged by drones that fly over their homes at night.