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According to the Head of the Department of Press and Information of the Ministry...

Military Accounting Online: When the Overhard Register will work and whether there will be summaries in "Action"

According to the Head of the Department of Press and Information of the Ministry of Defense of Hilarion Pavlyuk, territorial centers of acquisition (TCC) will use electronic summons to notify the military. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved in the first reading of the Bill No. 10449 on mobilization. According to this bill, the deputies of the National Security Committee have to bring their amendments to the document, and already on February 21, it is planned to consider its revised version.

NV writes about it. The authors of the law propose to change the rules of mobilization measures. One of the key points is the digitalization of military accounting using the Oberig Register. This system will enter the personal data of conscripts, servicemen and reservists without their personal consent. In addition, the new bill provides for the awarding of the stories online. They will enter the e -office of the conscript, the conscript and the reserve.

The lawyers have already appreciated the digital innovations and expressed their opinion. The Law of Ukraine "On the Unified State Register of conscripts, conscripts and reservists" Oberig "was approved in 2017. However, at the time of February 24, 2022, the information was not filled in it, and only in the fall of 2023 the system began its work. The mobilization will help expand the categories of data in the electronic register of servicemen.

Digitalization should simplify the process of mobilization, military accounting and delivery of narratives. Each conscript, military service or reservist will be required their personal and service data, as well as some services will be available. Displaying data in an online format should ensure accessibility of information for both citizens and institutions engaged in accounting and mobilization. However, these changes do not cancel the visits of territorial centers of cardinal accounting.

With Roman Likhachev, a lawyer of the reception room of the Ukrainian Helsinki Union on Human Rights, the digitalization of military accounting has its advantages and disadvantages. According to him, the positive is that the data will become unified, and the citizens themselves will be able to see all the information about themselves.

However, according to Likhachev, the "Protection" system does not require the consent of the person to process his data, which is not consistent with the requirements for the protection of personal data. Oleksandr Kamsha, lawyer and arbitration head of the firm "Ilyashev and partners", notes that the new law on mobilization is aimed at collecting the maximum possible information on the conscripts in electronic form.

However, he emphasizes that some data should remain confidential, including human health information. It is not clear at this time when the register "Oberig" will start to function. The authors of the bill have set a month to adopt the necessary normative legal acts after the law enters into force. Thus, the question of the time of starting the registry and how the military will be informed of its launch will remain open.

In the event of a new version of the Law on Mobilization, the citizens of Ukraine will be given 60 days to enter their data in the e -cabinet. This was stated by the Head of the Department of Press and Information of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Hilarion Pavlyuk. "The e -cabinet provides convenience and ease of data. Citizens will no longer need to run at different institutions. They will be able to do it online.

This will allow more people to reach and improve the quality of preparation for the army service," Pavlyuk said. Also, he said, the territorial centers of staffing (TCC) will use electronic summons to notify the military. "Electronic summons is just a message that comes to the e -office. It carries the same information as the usual summons. Only the methods of delivery change," Pavlyuk added. Viceremier Mikhail Fedorov spoke about the introduction of military documents into the application.

"There is a certain logic. But I cannot reveal the details yet. It may be a military ticket in" Action ". However, it is likely that such functionality will not be implemented. We are currently working on this project separately," said the head of Ministry. Fedorov also noted that it would be correct if the news about military documents is the first to announce the Ministry of Defense. "We are working on the introduction of a military ticket.

It will not be available in" Action ", but because of a separate information system created on the basis of the Ministry of Defense. There will also be no story," the minister summed up. The Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmitry Lubinets believes that the new law on mobilization is contrary to the norms of the Constitution.