About it reports "Ostrozno, Media", the same text was published in the Telegram-channel itself. As it is specified, the transgender woman was detained for trying to leave the territory of Russia in December 2022. Mayor was going to fly to Mexico on vacation, but was not released. The special services held the Russian woman in the border control area at Domodedovo Airport for about 10 hours.
Mayers as a former FSB employee and a state secret carrier has no right to leave the territory of the country until 2026. Then the history became public, but the Russian was just released home. Today the police came to her apartment. Mayers was taken to the FSB investigative department, and it is not communicated at this time.
Her girlfriend said that during the search, law enforcement officers seized a personal diary, meetings (court and service), LGBT literary school, as well as a bottle with hormones that a woman accepts through her transition. According to preliminary information, the FSB expectorate has opened a criminal case for an attempt to leave the Russian Federation. As a proof of the publication, a woman with a girlfriend was published before she was seized a mobile phone.
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