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Ukrainian serviceman Stanislav Bunyatov with the Osman call sign at the service ...

Will Ukraine lose the territory and why partners interfere with the end of the war: interview with Ottoman

Ukrainian serviceman Stanislav Bunyatov with the Osman call sign at the service since 2022. The fighter is known thanks to his Telegram channel "Sniper", in which he began to teach his own fighting videos and talk about the current situation on the front. The sergeant gave a great interview with focus. Senior sergeant of the company, commander of the department of the 24th OSHB "Aydar" of the Armed Forces Stanislav Bunyatov with the call sign "Osman" met a war in Melitopol of Zaporizhzhya region.

In March 2022, he managed to leave the temporarily occupied territory, and within two days Bunyatov went to the front with a volunteer. The warrior visited the battleship near Pavlovka, participated in the defense of the borders of the Vodovar direction, fought for Bakhmut, Hlyshchiyivka, Ivanivske in the Donbass and so on.

The focus spoke with a serviceman who spoke not only about the situation on the front, but also about mobilization, his own Telegram channel and views on the future of the war. How did the situation in Donetsk change, in particular in the Bakhmut direction, from the beginning of the Kursk operation? - It has not changed. We stood in positions, sometimes the enemy had advancement, but they are insignificant.

In general, nothing has changed, there were several bonds that our team, together with part -time workers, repulsed. How did the Kursk operation help the military at the front? - Of course, she helped. First of all, morally, moreover, released prisoners. But to physically help in solving the issues of front, I do not see any changes. I am not authorized to say how it could influence the negative points. I know that the Russians were not preparing large -scale but provocative combat performances.

Just as it was in the Kharkiv direction, they planned speeches on Sumy. How about the coal? What is the situation there? - There is a very difficult situation in the carbon, because the enemy presses from both water and western part to the way of the Bogoyavlenko - coal. This puts us in a very difficult situation.

If the Russians will reserve the way of the Epiphany - the coal, then it will be necessary to reflect the territory that the enemy has captured for the road to remain behind us, or to leave the city to a line of defense in the Epiphany, to align the line. After all, the enemy from Water and from the west presses, and the Kashalach river came out and tries to make ticks. And so far, unfortunately, he succeeds.

Is the boiler probability? - I think there will be no boiler because our units will have time to get out. I do not know how it will have to sleep, enemy storms to leave people surrounded. I think there will be no boiler. For the first time the Russians hit the cabin on Zaporozhye. Do they often use them on the fighting line? What opposition methods are used? - For the first time, they began to use the cabin a few days ago.

We saw in the summer, we have announced an increase in the distance of lesions of managed airbams. The enemy modifies the cottages, and also modifies them for the lesion. On the front line, the enemy constantly applies the cabin, especially for cities, villages - where there are buildings. So they destroy some fortifications, destroy our positions and move. Cabas are also used in the Kursk direction, for example, as a counter -battery.

In response to our artillery work, the enemy mostly uses aviation. Our artillery has worked - and they begin to beat the booth. Therefore, they are very often used, and they have many of these aviation. What is not enough for the Ukrainian military at the front? People, techniques? - I would not say that the technique was missing. Perhaps there is not enough armored equipment to replace our pickups that are not too equipped with armor. This would increase the level of survival of our units.

Also, there is not enough Reb tools for equipment. Of course, people will always be lacking, but we have a sad trend. When we have people in the units, they are involved in the assault to repel some area, stabilize the line, and when we are not enough - we stand in defense. This is a very specific use of infantry at this point. How do you feel about such tactics? - I do not like it, because I myself have repeatedly been a unit of this combat mission in such tactics.

When we had more people, we stormed when we were in defense, although we were a storm unit. Of course, you do not like it, because each operation requires detailed planning, sufficient artillery, equipment, logistical equipment. But we come from what we have. And if everything in the army was perfect, if we did not have gaps, then I think Russia would not have attacked us at all.

And so - we have something we have, but the enemy has the same problems, they just have a much larger mobilization resource. How do you support the morale among your unit, given the difficult conditions and duration of hostilities on the front line? - I would not say that the infantry has a great morale. More precisely, it is not high.

The boys go there because they understand that it is necessary to complete the task when they move away from rhetoric, when they retreat here, then the defense will be kept further and further. And not the fact that if they do not keep the defense, but will come out and begin to leave the positions, then they will remain alive. Because this is a very big problem. The fighters who come to the units do not understand one thing.

If the defense is exposed correctly - as it is exhibited, and they can firmly rely on the brothers who stand on the flanks, then they will stand in positions confidently, because the trench is the safest on the line of combat collision. And the longer you will sit in the trench, not get out of it, roughly speaking, keep the defense there, the more likely you are to stay alive.

As soon as you leave the masking area, the area of ​​your combat position, you begin to cover artillery, tanks, begin to work out FPV, reset. And now drones are the biggest problem. Therefore, the fighters try to go quietly, to disguise and sit, to watch the enemy, and in the case of combat clashes give him repel. Of course, there should be demobilization, because we are not the last people are fighting.

Do you think you can raise the morale? - What can the morale be raised? I think there should be at least rotations, vacations from fighters, proper financial support. Because in fact, we do not have so -called lifting, which are paid for a contract, they are there at all at the level of one salary. There is no proper holiday after vacation, do not give us vacations, it is almost impossible to go abroad and so on. In most cases, privileges for the family are not granted.

Children of servicemen face the questions that they cannot study for free at higher education institutions, refuse or say that all places are occupied. This is a comprehensive question that requires comprehensive measures, because motivation is not to have lunch and everything is not the question of what to do to fighters who want to eat. Motivation is a little more and many problems that you need to work with.

At the beginning of the war, it was simpler motivation, there was patriotism, the right propaganda and the combat spirit of the unit. Even people who are not too motivated, getting into a high -level combat unit, were inspired by, so to speak, and fought on a par with others.

Probably, you have already heard the history of the military who declared his HSC, and this is the discussion question: demobilization or HSC? The fighters are exhausted, they need to rest, but to replace either no one, or any other reasons for the lack of clear service life. Do you know a lot of CZF cases this year? - I personally do not know the fighters who went to the HSC. And in general - yes, there is in the unit, in other crews, I heard about the HCP.

You know, I cannot condemn the soldiers who went to the "self -wrapper" and cannot allow people who were not on the front line at all. That is, a fighter, who has at least a day on the line of fighting, has the right to rest at home more than the one who was not there. Therefore, the issue of HSC for me does not have a clear shade. On the one hand, yes, it substitutes its brothers, but it is a purely internal unit. Nobody has the right to bring him to the general.

And no one has the right to condemn him, except for his brothers, who are fighting with him, who perform identical tasks. And civilians should not be the case at all. How about equality? For example, a man went to the HSC and his brothers at zero? - He has the right to condemn only fighters from his unit, who perform the same tasks. He has no right to condemn a drone, an artilleryman, a fpvist, a commander who may not go to combat missions.

What is the right to condemn the fighter, what in the HCP? Only the brother who does the same thing. What to do with such warriors - turn back to part? - I, honestly, have no answer to this question. Let it decide the law. And what do you think about demobilization? Should she be? Is it possible during the war? - I think it is possible. We have many people of conscription, and fighters have the right to rest. A slightly different question is that we do not have such a law.

Of course, there should be demobilization, because we are not the last people are fighting. There are people who can mobilize, there are people who can be encouraged to fight, both financially and restrictions. I would not like restrictions. But there are people who can be interested in fighting certain social guarantees. If he is given a guarantee for complete prosthetics in the event of injury, full financial support.

So the person was injured, lost his hand, was taken out of state and pays 400 UAH. If people give full financial guarantees, then they will be calmer even injuries. Because these 15 million (payment for the death of the soldier. - Ed. ) No more are needed. It would be better not to pay 15 million for the dead, but paid these 15 million people who lost their hands, feet, because, in other words, the died soldier no longer needed that money.

And a person who has lost his feet, hands, eyes, needs - for treatment, life, family. It is a minus a breadwinner in the family. And for the dead parents, it is possible to allocate not 15 million, but five. It will be fair. The fighters go, they get serious injuries, and then they return - and no one needs. No one takes responsibility for them. The fighters themselves in the chicks shoot videos, raise money for prostheses and more.

If there is free prosthetics, then there are queues for half a year, a year. And how can a year be without hands, for example? Take, tie your hands and be a year without hands. Can you live like that? I think no. So there is someone to fight, people just need to encourage. First of all, it is necessary to financially encourage and make changes in the management of troops. This is also a complex question, it is so simply not to be disassembled.

But the first thing I hear, the fighters do not need no one after serious injuries. You can talk about this topic for a very long time. In the infantry, a person up to 40 years can run normally. [. . . ] The infantry from 40 is no longer a fighter. You can't complete the task normally. After injuries, these people simply become helpless. Demobilization should be. It should be right for those people who have already fought there.

That's when a person goes to the front, he or she must understand the deadlines of war. Because it is also motivation. You went, for half a year he wandered, mobilized, made his debt. And not so that a person came - and does not understand what term it is there. That's how I was mobilized in 2022, and the end-to-end service is not visible. I do not say that I have the most difficult conditions of service.

Compared to the conditions in which I was the first year and a half - in the assaults where I was injured, they are not bad. But you are morally tired of controlling the military, from the fact that you do not have the rights, freedoms that other civilians have, your age. I was 23, if I was demobilized for at least 25 years old, they would give me the right, because I volunteer came so I could rest.

Why is I not right under 25 years of age to be in civilian life voluntarily and other people up to 25 can not mobilize? It is also unfair, I think, especially as I have an occupied house. I need to try to arrange a personal life somehow, I only start youth. How did the recruits change from the beginning of a full -scale invasion: before everyone was enthusiastically, and now? - Now the fighters are unmotivated for the reasons I called above.

In your opinion, is it really necessary to call into the army of young fighters, because they will be more beneficial than from the "middle -aged man", as the military has repeatedly said? - What are the concept of a young fighter? 15 years old? Look, my opinion is. In the infantry, a person up to 40 years can run normally. You may need to reduce the age of the infantry specifically. I'm not talking about drones, security, etc. Specifically, infantry from 40 is no longer fighters.

You can't complete the task normally. After injuries, these people simply become helpless. I think that to 40 to reduce the infantry age is reinforced. How many years to mobilize? I am not a specialist in the field of gene pound development, so I do not know how many right. Obligatory call, x*g knows, I cannot judge at what age a person should risk his life for the sake of the country. There is, so to speak, the higher forces of politicians who can influence each other.

If these higher powers wanted Russia to end the war, the war would be over. This year you got into the online rating of "Top 50 bloggers of Ukraine". Pleasantly? - Very nice. What did I feel when I saw in the ranking? - Nothing, because there are bloggers who I no longer respect. However, it is nice that I can be a valid example for young people who are watching online trends and more.

I am very pleased that the category of war and army goes to the same level with carefree bloggers who live their lives and do not worry about anything. How do you decide what topics to cover for your subscribers? - I illuminate what is interesting to me. I have such an audience. Are there moments when you feel that it is better not to publish information, given security? - Of course, there is such information, a lot of it.

How do you filter it? - There should be some understanding of what can be published and not. This is called information hygiene. If you do not understand it, then you have a question from the security service, counterintelligence. You see, there are no questions for me, or if they are, then we go them. Information hygiene must be observed and everything will be well. Just not to publish what will not benefit for society.

Do you think it is important that there are more bloggers among the military? Why are there so small? - And bloggers, uncertain, are not among the military. I started to grow up to 100,000 thanks to my battle videos, which I put constantly. And those hundred thousand - this is the period when I was in the rear, I had a time to share information with people, to cover the situations completely, to tell about them in great detail from the point of view of the military.

There are little bloggers among the military, because someone is not interested in someone, someone does not have time, someone does not know where to start. If I was told at the beginning, take the channel so, I would not be able to. Fighters, most often, want or do not want, but do not know where to start and have little for this time. Although, if you wish, you can even write posts between storms. I did so, in principle.

He wrote the posts between the storms, in the basement in Bakhmut, and exhibited, because I was interesting. Not everyone wants media, as it can also be dangerous. Do you need more military bloggers? - I believe that you need to develop more media military faces. After all, a military media face is a connection between civilians with the military. Because the audience is mostly civil.

You can bring some military opinion to civilians or show their military life so that they understand how difficult it is for guys to give a service that they do the titanic work. This is very important, at the same time, it is important for people to understand how difficult it is to help them, and fighters, when returning from the front, felt support. If it were not for the military media, the work of the military would be depreciated by those people who are not relevant to war.

And so we have the opportunity to introduce people to war, with difficult circumstances, with the life path of every warrior. How do you see the development of events on the front in the coming months? - Unfortunately, we will lose the territory in the coming months. Perhaps if the command has prepared any reserves, then we will correct the situation on the flank. But you note that the amount of offensive enemy force in all directions is unusual with all our reserves.

There may be partial successes, but not in all areas. Is a scenario that will end in the near future? Does Ukraine expect a long -term struggle? -I'm not a politician, war is a thing that can end at any time. There is, so to speak, the higher forces of politicians who can influence each other. If these higher powers wanted Russia to end the war, the war would be over. Increasingly, the thesis about peace began to be heard.

Do you think the military will accept "peace - freezing the front line"? - I do not know, this is a difficult question, and I will not answer it not to stand on any side with civilians, which have been relying on the words of the military for many months. And the words of the military can be somewhat biased - because of their own interests, well, not in this war, but their own interests of its end. Because many want to go home, families, everyone has family problems and more.

It is very important for someone to be the question of the price of life. Тому я не даватиму коментарів щодо цього питання, щоб на мене не спиралися цивільні, та й тому, щоб не бути точкою опори в якихось суперечках.

Які твої інтереси? — Мої інтереси — повернутися додому, в Херсонську область, в Генічеський район, село Азовське, і вигнати всю цю нечисть, яка перейшла на бік Росії, до РФ. Ось такий у мене інтерес.

У найгіршому разі, якщо партнери не зможуть надавати необхідну допомогу, як тоді діяти — чи вистачить Україні тих ресурсів, які є? — Не вистачить, я думаю. Тому що війну, яка зараз триває, не вивозить навіть Росія. Москва потребує допомоги партнерів.

Європейський Союз — також своєрідній партнер для Росії, бо він купує нафту, газ, тому теж є спонсором війни в Україні. І якщо ці партнери зникнуть, то я думаю, що фронт просто застопориться на тому, де він є. Наступати сили Росії не будуть.

Щонайбільше це буде на тих ресурсах, які в них є, цього вистачить максимум на рік війни. Я гадаю, Донецька область — це буде їхній максимум, і на цьому війна закінчиться, якщо повністю припиниться спонсорування обох сторін.

Якщо війна не закінчиться ані в 2025-му, ані 2026 році — де і які резерви знайти на боротьбу з окупантом? — Народжувати більше дітей, відправити жінок тих чоловіків, які не йдуть воювати. Що плануєш робити після закінчення війни? — Я буду мером Генічеська.