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Observing violence, not having the opportunity or desire to intervene, harmful t...

The event has already been poisoned: what will the fear of allies beat on the territory of

Observing violence, not having the opportunity or desire to intervene, harmful to the psyche of man and entire countries, is warned by the cultural scientist Zoya Zagniakivska. It poisons from the inside, and even if the event slips intact, the poison is already sitting in it. I was aware of one story about not permission to beat US weapons deep into Russia. When my baby was small, there was a bullying in her class. It started somewhere in grade 4 and the school closed the eyes.

No-no, my baby was in no way touched, the whole company was one boy. But my baby saw it - and it poisoned her, as, in fact, the rest of the class. I tried to fight, performed at my parents' meeting, and went to the director - and eventually transferred the child to another school, although no one has never looked at her. Because the contemplation of violence burns you from the inside, if you can't, you have no strength to stop it.

That is why bullying is considered the problem of the whole class and the victims are considered to be all children who belong to this team, even if the bloody nose soup flows with only one boy. What I lead to. Now, today everyone understands what is happening - and I want to say, it is not the first time. When, after the Second World War, the winner, the winner distinguished himself with half of Europe and planted the cannibal regimes there - Europe tried not to look at it.

When in 1961, 16 years after the end of the war, the Soviets suddenly began to build a Berlin wall just in the bodies of living people - Europe closed their eyes. When the Soviet tanks were in Prague and Budapest, Europe was silent. Apparently, this cannot be proved, but it is poisoning with powerless contemplation of violence has turned Europe from social and turned towards the development of personality.

You can't do anything with the state - neither with your own nor with someone else's - but you can develop your personality, become a better version of yourself, grow your inner garden. Gradually, the Eastern bear aged and stopped growling, but instead the theory of personal development and conflict -free dialogue, such as non -violent communication, blossomed. Societies became weak, despair in collective actions, drowned in depression and self -digestion. And then we all went into a new circle.

Just now, the West and above all, the United States allows Russia to commit violence - as they allowed it for 20 years, starting with Chechen wars and Georgia. I do not know when and what this war is, but I know for sure that it does not go away, it is no longer a unpunished for the event, for his society. Considering the violence that you do not want, can not interfere, poison you from the inside. Poisons and burns. I do not think that awareness of this will somehow help us.