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Mr Sanchez, Mr. Prime Minister! Thank you for your kind words about us, about ou...

In order for the future to be in Europe, our unity should work at full force - the President of Ukraine at the III Summit of the European Political Community of the III Summit

Mr Sanchez, Mr. Prime Minister! Thank you for your kind words about us, about our people, about Ukraine. Thank you all for the support! Dear colleagues! Each of us represents Europe. We can have our views and sometimes different opinions on certain European issues - this is normal. But still we are all - Europe. And it's not just about geography. It's about history, morality and safety we share. A community that has no right to become weaker.

Because Europe should not be ruins! This Tuesday I visited the Kharkiv region - in the east of Ukraine. At least 1 million 200 thousand inhabitants in Kharkiv. The distance from city to border with Russia is less than 40 kilometers. Or less than 3 minutes of the C-300 missile, which the Russian army is terrorizing Kharkiv. Thousands and thousands of objects have already been destroyed by such rockets! Buildings, schools, universities, churches, power plants, transport.

But Kharkiv, although wounded by this terror, though cut off by fragments of rockets, lives. We do our best to protect people and maintain normal social and economic activity. We provide the work of all key institutions - from state structures to our education. In particular, in Kharkiv. Most children in the city are studying remotely. And until one hundred percent of an effective air defense system, the presence of children in schools is not possible. However, Kharkiv found one option.

65 school classes, where more than a thousand children study, are not online, but in the usual way as in schools of any other country, but . . . in the subway, underground. School classes, which are provided with everything necessary for children-furniture, equipment, Wi-Fi. But in the subway, underground. 2023. And the subway for a millionaire is the only safe option to collect children together for school. Here's what a neighborhood with Russia is. But it is not only our neighborhood with Russia.

Different countries in Europe border on a terrorist state, and in fact, all of them are Russian propagandists and officials as they say about the next targets of their aggression. Target. It is this word. Dear leaders! Is there enough metro stations that could be organized in your cities with protected schooling children if Russia's threats are realized? And she is preparing to implement them. I will be frank as always. Now Russia is considering various scenarios in the coming years.

One of them is especially dangerous. If this aggression against Ukraine has some pause, any freezing of the situation, then there will be a new critical moment. 2028. If Russia is adapted now, by 2028 the Kremlin will be able to restore our broken military potential, and in Russia there will be enough power to attack the countries that are in the focus of Russian expansion.

In addition to Ukraine, these are exactly the Baltic countries and exactly those countries in which Russian contingents are present. This is clear information from our intelligence. We will signal you. Russia is looking for opportunities to freeze the situation and adapt, draws conclusions from its mistakes and is preparing to go. Please remember that the most dangerous enemy is the one who made the conclusions and prepared for the next blow based on these conclusions.

Moscow clearly outlines its ambition - to capture more imperial space and not allow Europe to be the space of free nations and democracies that work, to break European unity. And the war is the basic instrument of Russia - a tool of subjugation or manipulation of others. For decades, Russia has tried to warm the war and freeze the war to keep control over its neighbors.

Russia has pained Moldova, tried to crush and separate Georgia, destabilize other parts of the Caucasus, suffocates Belarus, tries to snatch pieces from the body of Ukraine. Every nation against which Russia works in one way or another, every state that has suffered from Russian intervention or invasion - we all have to keep in a special unity, to keep together, in a special cooperation and in special relations with all others in the European Union.

We need such a format for the support of nations whose life Russia has already tried to destroy so that the ruin could never be spread anywhere and anymore. All these countries need economic support, all these countries need security guarantees so that Russia is not tempted to try to break their sovereignty. A clear signal is needed: no chance of Russia. And the main thing that will give our unity with you full force . . . The aggressor most securely neutralizes the defeat. Defeat in the war.

Right now, in Ukraine, we have the opportunity to cause a fundamental defeat of Russia's aggression. We all with you, with our partners, did things that seemed impossible to many. We defended Ukraine together. Europe is more than ever independent of Russia. Europe has indeed proved that it has the right to be the world center for the protection of human freedom and international law.

And whatever happens in other parts of the world, no matter how political tornadoes our partners experience, Europe should be strong. Now Europe is watching the events in America - the political storm that is gaining momentum. Europe has its potential - the independent potential of strength, its global role, and it should be as powerful as possible in all key issues that are important to Europe. And about political storms . . . I'm confident in America. Assured.

These are strong people, strong society, strong institutions, strong energy of democracy. I was in Washington recently. Communicated with President Biden. He communicated with congressmen - both parties, both wards. They absolutely support the protection of freedom and understand that Russia and other enemies of our lifestyle with you want to take advantage of the consequences of political storms. And we must be ready in Europe. America helped us, helped Europe withstand.

And now it is important for Europe not to hide the sails from the wind, trying to wait for the storm, but to be together in this troubled time - to work together, to protect our values ​​and our joint space with the US. It is in such mutual support in calm times, and in the time of safety challenges and turbulence is the real meaning of the transatlantic partnership. Dear colleagues! Thanks to Ukraine, your soldiers are not fighting against Russia now. We do not doubt NATO.

But I am sure that none of you want to try, but how it will be, if, God forbid, NATO will have to get together for one of you. We have to win in Ukraine so Putin is unable to scale this aggression on someone else. And that's realistic. Therefore, key things. Our unity with you. The unity and solidarity of the whole of Europe should be adamant.

The unity of all 27 EU countries, the whole of Europe, not only the EU, the strength of our common rules and agreements, the firmness of the European Union's ability to expand in accordance with its fundamental treaties. And I thank all of you who really work for the sake of the European Union! Second. Putin cannot be destroyed any other parts of the world and our partners to destroy the power of Europe.

We should continue to press sanctions, politically and economically so that Russia can not spread chaos. The presence of Russia, its military or puppets in any country is a threat to all of us. We need to work together to displace Russia from other countries. Third. Opportunities of Ukrainian soldiers.

Air defense in our country - and especially now, before winter - weapons in the hands of our soldiers, rockets and artillery, which we destroy the positions of the occupiers and liberate our land and our homes. Every Russian drone, shot in Ukraine, every Russian tank destroyed in Ukraine is a guarantee that this drone, this tank, any other Russian weapons destroyed in Ukraine will not hit someone else in Europe.

And I thank all of you - every one of you, your countries - for defensive help! Additional air defense systems for Ukraine, additional artillery and shells, additional long -range missiles and drones for our warriors, as well as additional support and security guarantees for nations that Russia is threatening - all this protection of Europe from additional aggressive steps in Russia.

And in order to make no war in Europe in the near future, so that no other city in Europe would feel that our Kharkiv and all cities and villages of Ukraine are experiencing, at this time - just now, this year, next - and above all In Ukraine, our unity should work one hundred percent. May Putin's ambitions be a ruin, not our country with you, not our cities with you.